From Compartmentalized to Integrated Care Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford Health Care Conference Aruba June 1 st – 4 th, 2015
Health care challenges in small communities Gap between demand and cost of services and resource availability Unequal access to care Fragmented (public – private) health systems High cost of services Dependency on external facilities for specialist care Inefficiency and non-sustainability Health Care Conference Aruba June 1 st – 4 th, 2015
From production driven to quality driven Concept of Value in Health care Framework for performance improvement in health care Patient centered - customer satisfaction Access to services Cost containment - sustainability Acceptable quality Patient safety Desired health outcomes for money spent Clinical accountability for the total care provided for a medical condition Health Care Conference Aruba June 1 st – 4 th, 2015
Integrated Health Care “Integrated care is a concept bringing together inputs, delivery, management and organization of services related to diagnosis, treatment, care, rehabilitation and health promotion. Integration is a means to improve services in relation to access, quality, user satisfaction, efficiency and to provide value for money.” Health Care Conference Aruba June 1 st – 4 th, 2015
Health Care Conference Aruba June 1 st – 4 th, 2015
Health Care Reform Transformation in the way health services are funded, managed and delivered to achieve sustainable universal access and health coverage a people-centered and integrated health services approach has to be adopted access to health services that are provided in a way that responds to their preferences, are coordinated around their needs and are safe, effective, timely, efficient and of an acceptable quality. Health Care Conference Aruba June 1 st – 4 th, 2015
Health Care Conference Aruba June 1 st – 4 th, 2015 Everyone seems to agree it is a good idea. So why is it so slow in coming? Everyone seems to agree it is a good idea. So why is it so slow in coming?
Health Care Conference Aruba June 1 st – 4 th, 2015