Date Date Sun Mon Tue Wed Mon Wed Sat-Sun - Make a group blog and a weekly planner (template). Share results with group. Get feedback and make improvements. Encourage others to write their own weekly plans and upload them - Laundry - Clean bathroom - Do devotions every day - Pray for family every night Sat-Sun Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat - Do devotions daily - Pray for family every night - Clean house - Look into domestic graduate programs. What majors are offered in English. General info about them make chart - Send in resume to English Book Café - Look for part time job - Meet up with Koeun and Jury - Justice Dinner at Onnuri - Meet for Insurance consultation - Saturday Meeting. Get feedback and make improvements. Encourage others to participate in blog Answered Prayers - Was more time conscious. - Praise for the encouraging message and amazing service at Point 5; we try to live up to the expectations of so many, but how have I actually lived to meet God’s expectations for me? Prayer Requests - That I will approach praying and reading the Word with an expectant and longing heart. Weekly Planner Ana
Date Date N/A -Read six chapters of the Bible everyday -Buy storage unit for room -Start on one secular book and a couple of Christian books (Don’t Waste Your Life & Knowing and Doing the Will of God) -Read about current affairs (one article every two days) -Pick up Japanese again (Install program & 30 minutes a day) -Start creating a diagram of future goals (start with the big picture) -Dance Class at least twice a week Answered Prayers N/A Prayer Requests - To be more real with myself Weekly Planner Jennifer
Date Date N/A - Answered Prayers N/A Prayer Requests - Weekly Planner Name
Date Date N/A - Answered Prayers N/A Prayer Requests - Weekly Planner Name