Tendring Future Governors June 2014
Fill the gaps Current position in Tendring – 14 vacancies for community governors – range of schools Recruit by designation and skills 2
3 Why do schools have governors? Represent the whole school community Help the school improve (but not through fund raising etc) Challenge the school’s leadership to work towards providing the best quality education possible A Critical Friend
What do governors do? Spend time in school – with a clear focus – and feed back Pupil data – how well they are doing Recruitment and performance management Finance Premises – safeguarding/health and safety Different structures 4
Do governors make a difference? “Governors have a good knowledge of the school’s strengths and weaknesses, and are very challenging and supportive. They have a good understanding of school data and question the headteacher about pupils’ achievement. They use a variety of data to help them evaluate the school’s performance compared to other schools. Governors know about the quality of teaching and its link with pupils’ progress. They are involved in drawing up the school’s improvement plan and in setting robust targets for the headteacher. Governors make sound financial decisions, such as allocating the pupil premium to promote better achievement and ensuring the rewards teachers receive are warranted and based on meeting performance targets. The governing body is committed to helping the school improve still further. It is well informed and makes sure that its members are trained and up to date with information so that it can continue to ask senior leaders searching questions about the school’s further development.” 5
What do I have to offer as a governor? Commitment to the school Readiness to ask challenging questions Ability to work as part of a group Finance, personnel, data, premises and an interest in……. CHILDREN’S LEARNING! 6
A learning process By experience Through training 7
What next? Walk away – not for me Find out more Sign up today 8