Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin George Washington Thomas Jefferson John Jay BBenjamin Franklin invented electricity GGeorge Washington was the first president of the U.S. TT homas Jefferson was a united states secretary from 1790 to 1793 JJohn Jay was the governor of New York
3 REGIONS New England Middle Southern Massachusetts Connecticut New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Maine New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia
Socioeconomic Regions N ew E ngland M iddle S outhern Fishing Whaling Trapping Shipbuilding Logging Largely Agriculture Logging Shipbuilding Textiles production Paper making Rice Indigo Sugarcane Cotton
SLAVERY In 1619 a Dutch trading ship brought several Africans to Jamestown Virginia. The region became most dependent because the Southern colonies crops.
TOOLS Augers Gimlets Braces
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE The cooper creates everything from wine to gun powder The Blacksmith creates hardware for homes and tools The Printer creates the press is a powerful tool
LITERATURE/MUSIC The girl left behind me Death of wolf Why Soldiers why
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