Students Guide to a Career in International Social Work Self Assessment Research Match up experience and skills Finding a position
Self Assessment Why am I interested? Am interested in macro, micro or both? Interest in living abroad? What skills can I offer? Help those that may not have resources to help themselves Micro, I want to work with diverse populations. Yes! Leadership skills, program development, communication (Bilingual) Questions to ask…Answers…
Dream Job - Latin America - Children - Health - Education - Faith based What components would that job have?
Research Find a target country Guatemala Organizations providing aid to children/youth Education, health, faith-based, etc.
World Vision Children Youth Provides Education Health care Food Agriculture Water sanitation Faith-based Based in the U.S. Partners with local efforts
Matching Experience and Skills Get experience in home country first Develop and perfect skills needed Continue education Travel abroad Try short term Evaluate
Finding the Position University Online job banks Network Meet with someone at university career center Browse reputable sites for available positions Use professors, classmates and colleagues as tools Know your resources…Use them…
The World is yours… “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Ghandi