It seems to me when it comes weight loss foods, we suffer a collective loss of common sense. We need to step back and look at the big picture before we kill ourselves with the wrong food. A good way to start is to go for a decades.
Till forty years ago diets were for sick people and those who always have a need to change things. Even before we know it’s safe.
For most people. Our diet was what it had always been. The weight loss foods, provided by nature. It would have been deemed ridicules to count calories when we could simply rely on our instincts and avoid processed food.
Our instincts steered us to the right food for weight loss, because we felt a connection to our body. It's how it always was.
We listened to signals from our body that told us to avoid certain foods. Signals for heartburn, indigestion, colic etc.
They were not common in the past. Today's diet of weight loss foods are opposite to what they were 40 years ago.
How do I know? I was there. I'm 73 years old. I saw it all happen. I had considerable knowledge of what was food for weight loss.
I was aware of a burgeoning food industry because my instincts told me that processed food like cereal was bad.
It was a personal view and I had no particular reason to give it much thought. I always trusted intuitive eating.
I simply avoided processed food. But something happened that changed everything. It took us to where we are today.
We had a sudden world-wide media scare campaign about cholesterol. Every person on the planet was urged to have a test
Incredibly, almost every test showed a high cholesterol level. There was a good reason. Every test was wrong. Instead of gauging the HDL LDL ration. The technicians simply added the numbers together.
But a special Weight loss food plan had been created to fix the problem. It was based on around 60% processed food. it was the only way to lower cholesterol.
It challenged my credulity because if our natural weight loss diet caused high cholesterol, it would have done so for centuries.
It simply didn't make sense that fake processed food could be superior to foods created by nature. It took thirty years before it was finally revealed that the tests had all been wrong. By then more than 1/2 the population were getting obese.
And a new disease called diabetes type 2 was afoot. Natural weight loss foods began to disappear.
But by then I too had a weight problem and needed weight loss solutions. I had some health issues and my doctor insisted I needed a change of diet.
My gut instinct was to refuse. But then I thought, as so many others did: Who am I, not to be prepared to move with the times.
So I spent the next 20 years trying all the tips for weight loss I could find, and every diet invented to lose weight.
A bit over Ten years ago, I came to my senses. I analysed what I did and what I ate differently before I began to follow other's weight loss secrets.
It soon began to make sense. So I experimented. I designed a diet identical to the one I followed before I got fat.
I not only lost all the weight, I stopped eating too much. I learned how to stop binge eating. And I felt better than I had in decades. Today, ten years later. I'm still lean and healthy. I never diet, I don't count calories and I feel great!
This all sounds really simple. But there is one thing I have left out which is crucial for you if you want to get the same results I did. And lets face it, who doesn't? Visit my website and get the whole story. You'll learn about the right weight loss foods.