Rice productivity improvement through broadening of genetic diversity and strategic seed systems Kayode Sanni, INGER-Africa Coordinator CORAF/WECARD Meeting 24 May 2010, Marina Hotel, Cotonou
Outline of presentation Introduction Conservation of Rice Genetic Diversity Utilization and Broadening of Genetic Diversity Information Management to improve utilization of rice diversity Productivity Improvement through Seed systems Future Prospects
INTRODUCTION Seed is a carrier of the genetic diversity that that is essential food and agriculture Seed is one of the primary factors for agricultural productivity important for food security and rural development Paddy
INTRODUCTION The seed is very important because it is the hardware extension of our breeding programs. Its production thus requires a special effort
Conservation of rice diversity at AfricaRice Focus on Rice Over 20,000 accessions (2,500 O. glaberrima) Medium-term Conservation Long-term Conservation Accessible to partners Safety back-up
Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) Germplasm Intrust Exchange under the condition of SMTA of IT-PGRFA Multilateral access and benefit sharing
The MLS concept The breeding process: many generations of “PGRFA under development” - a “black box” for the Treaty MLS germplasm: raw materials in the public domain Final product: the improved commercialized variety that may trigger payments INGER Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA)
Outline of presentation Introduction Conservation of Rice Genetic Diversity Utilization and Broadening of Genetic Diversity Information Management to improve utilization of rice diversity Productivity Improvement through Seed systems Future Prospects
INGER-Africa participating countries
Increased genetic diversity at regional and national level Share of distribution of about 60,000 germplasm between 1995 and 2010
Trends in INGER-promoted varieties vs. varieties released in West Africa
Provide seeds of improved varieties to farmers under post conflict emergency programs (Cote D’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone). Provide access to quality seeds by farmers for fast rehabilitation of production systems. Agricultural rehabilitation (seed for life)
Conflict can break out any time and anywhere in Africa Crisis prevention germplasm collection D’Ivoire and Guinea in 2000 Burkina Faso, Niger and 2008 Sierra Leone 2008 Comprehensive GIS data on collection sites guide restoration of germplasm Preventive germplasm collection
Outline of presentation Introduction Conservation of Rice Genetic Diversity Utilization and Broadening of Genetic Diversity Information Management to improve utilization of rice diversity Productivity Improvement through Seed systems Future Prospects
Improved AfricaRice Genebank Information System “Bar Code Technology” WAGISdatabase Selection of Materials for label generation Label designing Label Printing Labelling ScreenhouseGenebank Decoding and transferring Information to server Field
Outline of presentation Introduction Conservation of Rice Genetic Diversity Utilization and Broadening of Genetic Diversity Information Management to improve utilization of rice diversity Productivity Improvement by facilitating Seed systems Future Prospects
Project for Seed System Sustainability Multinational NERICA Dissemination Project (AfDB) Common Fund for Commodities Japan Emergency Seed Project USAID Famine Fund Project
Multinational NERICA Dissemination Project Contribute to poverty reduction and food security through the dissemination of high yielding upland rice NERICA varieties Seven Countries
Japan Emergency Seed Project Funded by Japan Govt towards Improving access to quality seed for poor resource farmers in Africa building a reliable rice data system 20 countries
Common Fund for Commodities Project Improve on-farm rice productivity, quality and processing Improve the capacity of farmers in integrated production, processing and marketing operations; Strengthen the human and institutional capacity for promoting profitable rice production, processing and marketing. Project countries- Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic
Emergency initiative to boost rice production”. Funded by USAID Short-term (2years) intervention to: Increase the use of high yielding rice varieties Increase the use of improved farming methods through training Increase the use of fertilizers through use of vouchers/coupons Countries: Ghana,Mali,Nigeria and Senegal
Achievements up-to-date / Sustainability Setting up fundaments for sustainable seed syst: Equipment in basic threshing and seed processing machines Breeder and Foundation seedCertified and Registered seed
Achievements up-to-date / Sustainability Building partnership public – private sector Mauritania: Société Représentation et l’Industrie Agr. (SRIA) Nigeria : Maslaha Seeds (Gusau), Seed Project (Kano) and Premier Seeds (Zaria) Uganda: CIAL Uganda and NASECO Seed(registered seed) Zambia : Zambia Seed company Kenya: Western Seed company Mozambique: GIVA Seed Malawi : Seedco Malawi Ethiopia: Ethiopian Seed Company (Parastatal) Tanzania:ASA- Agricultural seed agency
Capacity building Participants Total ARIPCARIPCARIPCARIPCARIPCARIPC Technicians Farmers Women Processors
-Devlpt of appropriate seed strategies in each c-try: Conv. and Alt. seed strateg. – QDS, CBSS (Promotion of Certified seed, Controlled Seed, SAQ, integrating farmers’ endigenous knowledg,e etc) Devlpt / Reinforct of Seed Boards (Regulations, Variety release, Catalogues of varieties, Advocacy role for access to credit, Installation of input shops, etc) Future Prospects
-Capacity building: Support to seed prod. (Breeder + Foundation) Regional Training Center -Training of Inspectors + Controllers -Training of Technicians + Seed Producers Future Prospects
Decentralization of seed certification -Training of AT and QCF -Support to the devlpt of decentralized seed lab. Devlpt of marketing and information delivery syst. -Establishment of Cyber-Seed Centers -Promotion of quality labels -Collect and Dissem. of information on:....Field dimensions, Productions, Quality, etc....Farmers’ needs (Inputs,….) ….Prices, Traceability Future Prospects
Thank you! Merci! Center of Excellence for Rice Research