Parameters, pulse parameters, attenuation, and resolution.
Frequency: The number of cycles that occur in one second. Unit: Hz Determined by: The source NOT ADJUSTABLE. *Inversely related to period. Period: The amount of time it takes a sound wave to vibrate a single cycle. Unit: Units of time Determined by: The source NOT ADJUSTABLE. *Inversely related to frequency. Wavelength: The length of one complete cycle. Unit: Units of length Determined by: The source & medium NOT ADJUSTABLE *Inversely related to frequency. Propagation Speed: The distance traveled in one second. Units: Distance/Time Determined by: The medium NOT ADJUSTABLE. The 3 Bigness: Amplitude Intensity Power
Definition: The weakening of a sound wave as it propagates through a medium Processes that contribute to attenuation:3 Reflection Scattering Absorption