NELLCO and e-books An odyssey
In the beginning – 2003 The concept –Dipping our toes –Shared collection –Shared selection –Shared cost –Law focus The players (to date) –Baker & Taylor (YBP) –NetLibrary (YBP) –MyiLibrary –Ebook Library
YBP Existing NELLCO relationship for print materials Launched ED (eContent Delivery) platform with B&T in 2003 Close to deal in late 2004 when YPB switched to NL Began negotiating with NL in early 2005 Within inches of signing when NL presented at ICOLC Poznan and shared their new consortium model (required copy purchases for consortia) Pulled out of negotiations
Terms w/B&T and NL Single consortium collection eBooks priced at print list Additional 55% for perpetual ownership 50% discount for ‘opening day’ purchase (up to 600 books) NELLCO law collection launched Each library to participate for less than 1k
MyiLibrary Began talking in late 2005 Series of webex demos in Jan. and Feb –Member feedback Intuitive interface Ability to employ platform for other content (NGO/IGO; websites; other subs) Lack of law content Not leading US law publishers No consortium collection Minimal discounts –2% at $10k –4% at $25k –10% at $100k+ Role for NELLCO?
EBL Flexibility Non-linear lending™ model No minimum buy No expense until demand –Free searching and browsing –Mediated or unmediated acquisition –STL or purchase –Title level granularity Read online or offline Platform fee –$6,000 max (consortium discounts = 15%, 25%) –Paid up front or incrementally –No requirement to meet max Content discount = 8% opening day collection
Potential drawbacks MARC records in OPAC for unowned content Others????