Church Street Charity The House of Dreams is a small orphanage with some big needs. Bolivia is the poorest country in South America
OK… so where is South America?? Lets have some guesses!
So…. Where is Bolivia? Hint 2:- It is “LANDLOCKED”. Hint 1:- It has huge mountains.
Here it is from space!
As you can see Cochabamba is right in the mountains! "¡La unión es la fuerza!" Unity is strength! The currency is the “Boliviano”. About 10B’s = £1
Here are some women in traditional Bolivian dress. (Hats are popular.)
Cochabamba is a pretty BIG place!
This is the famous “Christo” that overlooks Cochabamba from the hills. It is over 40m high!
The House of Dreams Orphanage in Cochabamba, Bolivia
"I cannot think of anything that pleases the heart of God more than helping an orphan that can never pay you back". DaRonn Washington - President and founder
Here are some of the “Dreamers”.
What the House of Dreams needs now are three computers, a printer and some software so that the children can learn to use them. It will cost about £1,000 Link to Video 2-00
Cochabamba – La Cancha Market 3-36 Camino de la Muerte The Road of Death! 2-46 On Bolivia’s Road of Death - Semi truck Falls off cliff 0-42 Mountain Biking at 17,500' - Chakaltya, Bolivia m of downhill madness. 3-13