Data and democracy: measuring progress and fostering participation Council of Europe Ad hoc Committee on e-democracy 8 October 2007 Joanne Caddy, OECD/GOV
Data and democracy OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría (2007) “Measuring progress with reliable information is a key ingredient of the democratic process. On the one hand, it makes governments more accountable and trustworthy, and on the other, it encourages people to participate more actively” OECD Ministerial meeting Rotterdam (2005) “More open and inclusive policy making can strengthen trust in government, thereby contributing to social stability”
Open & inclusive policy making Working definition Open and inclusive policy making is transparent, accessible and responsive to all citizens Key questions 1.What are governments’ goals and have they achieved them? 2.Have governments applied the OECD’s 10 guiding principles for information, consultation and active participation? 3.What are the main barriers for the “willing but unable” and for those who are “able but unwilling”?
Open & inclusive policy making 1.Goals Top goalsGoals achieved 2. Applying principles Most progressMost difficult RightsResources Active citizenshipTime CommitmentEvaluation Increase citizens trustImprove transparency/accountability Improve responsiveness Improve efficiencyRaise awareness/knowledge/skills
Open & inclusive policy making 3.Main barriers Willing but unableAble but unwilling CulturalLow interest in policy and/or politics Socio-economicLow trust in the use government makes of citizens’ input PhysicalLack of time/other priorities
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