COE Road Map 2- SECOND YEAR Create your Academic Plan Determine when to co-op and study abroad Tentatively plan courses through graduation Review plan with your advisor Apply to department by end of 4 th term Join a student organization 55+ to consider in the COE Interview for co-op positions Review Study Abroad options with Int’l Studies Dir. Apply for study abroad program one semester before attending Apply/Declare a Certificate program Find a faculty mentor Attend a leadership development program Participate in a COE Design Competition 1 - FIRST YEAR Focus on math/science courses GPA foundation is important Avoid distractions from homework/test prep Investigate student organizations Attend a variety of org meetings Research study abroad programs Explore career opportunities Go to campus lectures/presentations I nvestigate major departments & career options Volunteer through UW’s Morgridge Center Investigate Certificate programs Attend a COE Design Competition 4 – FOURTH/FIFTH YEAR Continue to co-op (prior to last 2 semesters) & intern Take leadership position in a student org Balance major coursework with electives Begin to focus on full-time positions Apply to graduate/professional school Ask faculty for letters of recommendation Review requirements for graduation Take a leadership course Get involved in a campus level organization Apply for graduation, review DARS to confirm requirements are met 3 - THIRD YEAR Pursue leadership position in a student org Co-op or study abroad for a semester/year Apply for study abroad program one semester before participating Interview for co-op a semester prior to desired start semester Explore research positions on campus Use MentorNet for a faculty/engineer mentor Consider graduate/professional school Research entrance exams EVERY SEMESTER Attend EGR Group or departmental advising Continue to do well academically Take advantage of all tutoring and Supplemental Instruction Meet with your advisor to review progress toward degree and review DARS Attend a diversity event or cultural program Attend the Engineering Career Fair Go to Engineering Expo – April 2015, 2017, 2019, etc. Talk to faculty about their research and find an area of interest to you
Your COE Student Development Road Map 1 – FIRST YEAR Fall courses Spring courses Countries of interest for study abroad 2 – SECOND YEAR Fall courses Spring courses Student organizations to join 4 – FOURTH/FIFTH YEAR Possible summer intern employers Areas of interest for campus research job Employers of interest for full-time or possible graduate/professional schools 3 – THIRD YEAR Leadership position to pursue Possible co-op employers Study abroad RESUME Foundations Objective Convey career interest(s) Education Demonstrate academic successes Work Experience Show career related hands-on experience. Intern, co-op or research positions are typical Involvement Display participation AND leadership in your community – either campus or local Global Citizen/Culturally Competent Establish a broad perspective on US and international cultures