The Aztecs
What event in the 8 th century signaled a significant political and cultural change? Collapse of Teotihuacan in central Mexico Abandonment of classical Maya cities
What was the capital of the Toltecs? When was it established? Tula, 968
Where does the center of population and culture shift to? The large chain of lakes in the valley of Mexico
What made the Aztecs both “valued and feared”? Their reputation as tough warriors Fanatical followers of their god
What was the sign for them to settle? Where did they settle? What city did they create? Sign: eagle perched on a cactus with a serpent in its beak Seen on the marshy island in Lake Texcoco Founded the city of Tenochtitlan in 1325
How did they come to dominate the surrounding areas? From Tenochtitlan, began to become more involved in politics Role as mercenary and ally allowed them to take land and tributes 1428, independent power 1434, allied with Texcoco and Tlacopan in an alliance that controlled much of the central plateau Aztecs dominated
How did Aztec society change after developing into an empire? Went from loose association of clans to a stratified society under the authority of a supreme ruler
How does Tlacaelel change the history of the Aztecs Tlacaelel a key figure Rewrites history to say the Mexica were chosen by god Human sacrifice greatly expanded into an enormous cult Military key role of supplying captives for sacrifice Created the open areas to arrange “flower wars” Both sides obtain captives for sacrifice
What were the calpulli and what did they do? Kin group that controlled a city ward Maintained neighborhood temples and civic buildings
What were the chinampas? System of irrigated agriculture Beds of aquatic weeds, mud, and earth Placed in frames made of cane Rooted to the lake floor
Describe the merchant economy of the Aztecs (pochteca, regulation,currency) Cacao beans, gold dust sometimes used as currency Usually a barter economy Great market at Tlaelolco open daily Controlled by special merchant class, the pochteca Specialized in long-distance trade in luxury items Markets highly regulated Under control of inspectors and special judges Not a market economy
How was the government involved in the economy of the Aztecs? Controlled the use and distribution of commodities Redistributed the vast tributes from subordinates Tribute levels according to whether the subject peoples had fought If you didn’t, surrendered less food
What functions did the calpulli perform? (4) Distributing land to heads of households Organizing labor gangs Formed military units in times of war Maintained a temple and school
How did the social structure of the Aztecs change as their empire expanded? Calpulli transforms and social stratification emerges A class of nobility emerges Based on the most distinguished calpulli Marriages Military achievements Service to the state
What new group of workers formed as the nobility gained power? New class almost like serfs on the lands of the nobility Did not control land, worked at the will of others Above slaves socially
Where did merchants fit in? Formed their own sort of calpulli Own patron gods, privileges, internal divisions Sometimes served as spies
What role did women play in Aztec society? Number of roles Helped in the fields Primary domain in the household Child-rearing and cooking Weaving was highly regarded Training young girls Could inherit property and pass to their heirs Subordinate in political and social life
Who was the ruler of the Aztec Empire? Speaker chosen from the nobility The Great Speaker, ruler of Tenochtitlan, was first among equals Magnificent court surrounded with rituals
What social and political transformation occurred over a century of Aztec expansion? Position and nature of the old calpulli clans changed radically Powerful nobility with a god-like absolute ruler emerged Ancient cult of military virtues elevated to the religion of the state Secured tribute Obtained victims for Huitzilopochtli
What functions did tribute serve? Both economic and political Concentrated power in the hands of the Aztec capital Why was the Aztec political system a success? Had political domination, not direct control Why was it painful in the long run? Increasing social stresses with rise of nobility System of terror and tribute