+ Welcome to the Aztecs Museum Booklet! By: Hessa Al Kubaisi 7A
+ Who are the Aztecs? The Aztecs are a group of people that moved to central Mexico during the 12th Century. (A long time ago) This is the Aztec symbol.
+ Who are the Aztecs? #2 They became a strong group during the 14th Century, setting up their capital area which is known today as Mexico City. The Aztecs are known for their great stone pyramids and the This is an Aztec King.
+ Where did they live? Their god, Huitzilopochtli sent a sign so they could find the place the would live in. One the Aztecs found the sign, they began to build their city. This is the sign their god meant. This is a map of the Aztec Empire.
+ Where did they live? #2 They found the sign in Lake Texcoco.
+ Who did they serve/worship? (Gods and Goddesses) To start, the ancient Aztecs believed in many gods and goddesses. Not only did the Aztecs have jobs but the gods had jobs too. As I said, each god had a job to do. The sun god, for example, brought the sun up every day.
+ What did the Aztecs do? The Aztecs are known for their great stone pyramids and the involvement in math and more.
+ What did the Aztecs do? #2 The preformed ceremonies for any of the gods needs. For example if a god needed a certain thing then the Aztecs would try to get whatever the god needed so the god or gods wouldn’t be disappointed/angry. If they wouldn’t do a certain thing that was asked, then they believed that the sun god wouldn’t shine the sun and it would be dark all the time.
+ Bibliography Info: "The Aztecs for Kids - Place of the Prickly Pear Cactus (ancient story)." The Awesome Aztecs for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct Some information remembered from the video and the power point. Pictures: Google Images
+ You’ve reached the end of the Aztecs Museum Booklet! I hope you learned some interesting things from the Aztecs!!!