Blood Donations You Can Make A Difference Did you know that 38% of the U.S. population is eligible to donate, but only 10% do? One donation can save the lives of up to three people. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion. Car accident and other blood loss victims can need up to 50 pints of blood. ‘’Blood Facts and Statistics’’. American Red Cross. January Web. 13 Apr
Blood Donation Safety Blood Donation is a safe and secure process. The equipment used is sterile and only used once. Each person giving blood is given a brief physical to check blood pressure, temperature and pulse to ensure that they are healthy enough to donate. All the donated blood is tested for HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and other infectious diseases before it is sent to a hospital. ‘’Blood donations’’. LifeSource. March Web 11 Apr
Know Your Blood Type Type O negative blood type can be transfused with any other blood type. It is always in short supply at hospitals. The most common type of blood needed at hospitals is O positive and negative. There is a constant demand for all blood types, but if you have a very rare or very common blood type, your help is especially needed. ‘’Blood Facts and Statistics’’. American Red Cross. January Web. 13 Apr