FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program Thursday, November 15 8:00registration 8:30openningPr. I.Magnin, Pr. T. Katila 9:00Invited SpeakerPr T. Arts 10:00Session 1: Anatomical Modeling 12:30lunch 14:00Invited SpeakerPr M. Horacek 15:00Session 2: Motion and Deformation 17:40Departure from the biomedicum center 18:00Reception «baujolais nouveau » at the French Cultural Centre
FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program Friday, November 16 8:30Invited SpeakerPr E. Mc Veigh 9:30Session 3: Functional Imaging 12:00lunch 13:30Invited SpeakerPr A. Mc Culloch 14:30Session 4: Toward Electromechanical Modeling 17:30Conclusion 18:00Plans for a European « beating heart project »
FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program Session 1 : Anatomical Modeling 10:00J.-L. Mari et al. Geometrical Modeling of the Heart and its Main Vessels 10:30H. Veistera et al. Reconstructing 3D Boundary Element Heart Models from 2D Biplane Fluoroscopy 11:00Break 11:30I. Dydenko et al Introducing Spectral Estimation for Boundary Detection in Echographic Radiofrequency Images 12:00A. Mourad et al. Geometrical Modeling of the Fibre Organization in the Human Left Ventricle
FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program Session 2 : Motion and Deformation 15:00J. D’hooge et al. Two-dimensional ultrasonic strain rate measurement of the human heart in vivo 15:30V. Moreau et al. Deformation Field Estimation for the Cardiac Wall using Doppler Tissue Imaging 16:00Break 16:30C. Allouche et al. A New Kinetic Modeling Scheme for the Human Left Ventricle Wall Motion with MR-Tagging Imaging 17:00P. Clarysse et al. Integrated Quantitative Analysis of Tagged Magnetic Resonance Images
FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program Session 3 : Functional Imaging 09:30T. Makela et al. A 3-D model-based approach for the PET-functional and MR-anatomical cardiac imaging data fusion 10:00F. Frouin et al. 3D Regularisation and Segmentation of Factor Volumes to Process PET H 2 15 O Myocardial Perfusion Studies 10:30break 11:00M. Nahrendorf et al. In vivo assessment of rat hearts with and without myocardial infarction by Cine NMR- comparison of the NMR method to invasive techniques and application to intervention studies 11:30C. Muller et al. Dempster Shafer approach for high level data fusion applied to the assessment of myocardial viability
FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program Session 4 : Towards Electromechanical Modeling 14:30N. Ayache et al. Towards Model-Based Estimation of the Cardiac Electro- Mechanical Activity From ECG Signals and Ultrasound Images 15:00D. Chapelle et al. A physiologically-based model for the active cardiac muscle contraction 15:30break 16:00P. Claus et al. Post-Systolic Thickening in Ischaemic Myocardium: a Simple Mathematical Model for Simulating Regional Deformation 16:30J. Nenonen et al. Simulation of Anisotropic Propagation in the Myocardium with a Hybrid Bidomain Model 17:00B. Tilg et al. Imaging of Electrical Function within the Human Atrium and Ventricle from Paced ECG Mapping Data