History Affiliates Prudence Haines Morgan Log HouseGoschenhoppen HistoriansWoodford Manor
Purpose of the History Affiliate Program Funded by the Barra Foundation, the purpose of the History Affiliates is to serve and support the small and mid-sized history and heritage organizations in the five county area of Southeastern Pennsylvania. These organizations present and preserve our history through public and educational programs, exhibitions and publications, and various collections preservation efforts. They add value to our collective heritage and to their individual neighborhoods and communities.
The Challenge Montgomery County Historical Society Historical Society of Tacony
Planning Grant and Online Survey
History Affiliates Respondents: Budget
History Affiliates Respondents: Staffing
History Affiliates Respondents: Org. Type
“Creating Connections” online survey continued Top five greatest challenges were: Fundraising Marketing and Public Relations Volunteer Help Membership – developing, maintaining and expanding the membership base Collections care Bucks County Historical Society
Implementation Grant
Philadelphia History Attraction Attendance 3.9 million annual visits 84% of total population
Six Goals for the History Affiliates Program 1. Develop a sense of “community” among history and heritage organizations. 2. Lower the barriers of participation in terms of money, time, and location. 3. Aggregate information and resources that support heritage organizations. 4. Create a central “voice” representing the interests of the sector within the wider community. 5. Develop mechanisms to begin affecting capacity building for both individual organizations and the sector as a whole. 6. Develop ways to financially support the History Affiliates program.
History Affiliates Advisory Board Erica Armour, Executive Director Historic Fallsington Pattye Benson, President Tredyffrin Historic Preservation Trust Meg Bleecker Blades, Executive Director The Highlands Mansion and Garden Ingrid Bogel, Executive Director Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts Bruce Knapp, President Paoli Battlefield Preservation Trust David Luz, Executive Director Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center Jack McCarthy, Project Director Historical Society of Pennsylvania Doug Miller, Site Administrator Pennsbury Manor Dennis Pickeral, Executive Director Stenton Gwyn Rowland, Executive Director The Mill at Anselma Tony Shahan, Executive Director Newlin Grist Mill Theresa Stuhlman, Preservation & Development Administrator Fairmount Park
Action Steps 1. History in Pennsylvania awards 2. AASLH StEPs scholarships and mentors 3. University of DE Sustaining Places program summit on volunteerism 4. Two workshops outside of Philadelphia County 5. Robust web pages for the HA program on the HSP website 6. Continue to produce the monthly newsletter 7. Continue to network with: 1. HA members 2. Service Providers like GPCA and CCAHA 3. Partnership organizations like Germantown Preserved,The Rural History Confederation and the Tri-State Coalition for Historic Places 4. Large history and heritage organizations like yourselves.
Conclusion Historical Society of Montgomery County