CoDeS- the framework
CoDeS, a LLL-Comenius multilateral network: – Coordinating Organisation: SUB (Stiftung Umweltbildung Schweiz, Bern) Coordinator: Christine Affolter
The CoDeS Consortium Stiftung Umweltbildung SchweizENSI, Belgium BMUKK, AustriaAlpen-Adria University, KLagenfurt, Austria Austrian Institute of Technology GmbHAssociation Lacoal Agenda 21, Vienna Municipality Wiener Neudorf, AustriaHogeschool-Universiteit Brussel Cyprus Pedagogical InstituteFrederick University, Cyprus University of Helsinki, FinlandANU Hessia, Germany Umweltlernen Frankfurt, GermanyNatl & Kapodistrian University, Athens University of the Aegean, RhodesBudapest University of Technology Hungarian Research Teachers AssociationLegambiente Italy Wageningen University, NetherlandsNorwegian Centre for Science Education, Oslo HERO, RomaniaNational Education Institute, Slovenia University of Primorska, SloveniaAutonomous University of Barcelona, Spain De Monford University, UKMF Associates, UK Sense and Sustainability Training, UKCheongju National University of Education, Rep. Korea
Goals of CoDeS Level research: Initiating research on existing cases to identify: Success factors and obstacles of collaborative work Indicators for successful cooperative work A framework for school-community cooperation Level school and community collaboration: Build and support a culture of “collaborative knowledge-building” Compile methods and tools Pilot and evaluate new materials and accesses Organize in-service seminars (IST) for teachers, offer exchange of expertise for community members, teachers and other stakeholders
Level school: Initiate “collaborative knowledge-building” to achieve Competencies relevant for science learning Experiences in self guided ‘close to the fact’ learning Reflection of own experiences Reflection on social developments and role models Foster the dialogue between school and community
Programme OctoberStart of the project NovemberFirst partner meeting Outcomes: Streamlined master plan and list of deliverables Clarification of responsibilities for deliverables
Programme MaiConference in Vienna SeptemberTeacher In-service Training in Spetses, Greece OctoberPartner Meeting 2 Outcomes: - Case Universe (Posters and 360° cases) - Work on survey on collected cases (Conference participants and research team) - Work on Travelling guide, toolbox, e-platform and digital handbook - New proposals for school partnerships for school- community collaboration - Consolidated plan for the 2nd and 3rd year of CoDeS
Programme 2013 MaiConference in Kerkrade, Netherlands SeptemberStudy visit for partners from communities, Hungary September Partner Meeting 3, Cyprus OctoberTeacher In-service Training in the UK Outcomes: - Presentation of the survey on success factors and/or ‘quality criteria’ for sustainable s-c projects (‘Case book’) - Presentation of work on Travelling guide (the ‘why’, ‘who’, ‘how’ and ‘when’ of successful collaboration), Toolbox (details and examples for collaboration) Digital handbook ( for policy makers on regional and local level) - E-platform (for school and community collaboration) - New proposals for school partnerships for s-c collaboration
Programme 2014 MaiFinal conference in Barcelona, Catalonia SeptemberSteering group meeting for reporting, Slovenia Outcomes: Release of all products of CoDeS: - Case book - Travelling guide - Toolbox - Digital handbook - E-platform (for school and community collaboration) - Report on ‘Inclusion of members of isolated communities through e- platform’ - Report on implementation of new media from CoDeS project - Presentation of internal and external evaluation of CoDeS
You are welcome to follow the work of CoDeS on school and community collaboration!