Overview of the GLO-TOI project Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer Of Innovation This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Glottodrama Projects Teaching foreign languages through Drama
History of Glottodrama Projects Approval of a LLP Multilateral Project, 6 partners in 4 countries: Italy, Greece, Romania,France. 24 trial classes in 4 countries. Final results of teaching experiments. Production and publication of teaching materials and video documentaries Approval of a LLP Dissemination Project involving 8 countries: Italy, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, France, Spain, Portugal. Final results of trial classes in 4 new countries and publication of the Guide to Glottodrama method in 9 languages. Awarding of the prize “European Language Label for Languages”. Starting of teachers’ training seminars in the framework of the LLP sub- programmes Comenius and Grundtvig Approval of the TOI project, Leonardo da Vinci «Transfer of innovation» aimed at applying the method to 8 new languages Ginco Award for best quality Grundtvig training courses for teachers.
All Partners of Glottodrama projects 2008/2012 Novacultur Srl, Rome, Italy University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy State School N.Mandela, Rome, Italy CREI, Paris, France (in cooperation with the University Sorbonne I) Langues Plurielles, Paris, France University of Bucharest, Romania Fundatia EuroEd, Iasi, Romania Perugia Language School, Athens, Greece Tömer University, Ankara, Turkey Euroinform LTD, Sofia, Bulgaria CIAL Centro de Lìnguas, Lisbon, Portugal Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain in bold partners of GLO-TOI
Glottodrama today in Europe
Main objectives of GLO-TOI Experiment the method with 8 new target languages as FL/L2: English, Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, Turkish, French, Spanish, Portuguese Produce specific teaching materials published in a resource book Disseminate the project’s results and outcome Set up a new European association in this field: EATALL, European Association for Theatre &Drama applied to language Learning
General features of the project Duration: 2 years. From 1st October 2012 to 30 September Probably an extension will be asked to December Target languages: English, Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, Turkish, French, Spanish, Portuguese 6 workpackages : Management of the project (N.1), Development of teaching experiments and materials (N.2), Quality Plan (N.3), Dissemination (N.4), Exploitation 1 for marketing courses and publications (N.5), Exploitation 2 to set up EATALL association (N.6)
Workpackage 1 - Management What? Management of the project: financial and content aspects. Monitoring of work in progress. Interim Report and Final Report for NA. Individual reports for coordinator. Organization of 3 General meetings of the partnership. Organization of a European Conference in Rome. Management of EATALL set up. Who? All the partners When? Interim Report Final Report st Meeting December nd Meeting within December Final meeting September 2014 together with the International Conference.
Workpackage 3 - Quality Plan Tools and Reports Progress Chart of tasks based on percentages of achievement. Interim and Final Report Questionnaires for each partner Individual budget spreadsheet (excel) for each partner Time-sheet for staff work (based on days) Logbooks: record of all evens related to the project life Class registers: record of teaching experiments’ content Confidential area of the official web-site for upload and download internal documents. Mini web-sites Video-recording of teaching activities
Worckpackage 2 - Development Communicative performance What? Development of teaching experiments. Recruitment and assessment of students both for pilot and control classes (15 students each). 90 hours tuition employing 2 teachers (Language&Drama). Tuition. Training for teachers*.Progress and final language and communicative evaluation: questionnaires, language testing, final performances. Comparison of results. Video- recording and editing of Glottodrama documentary with sub-titles in 8 languages. Selection, editing and publishing of a Resource Book for each language. Who? All the partners When? Deadline Possible extension * See additional Comenius/Grundtvig opportunities
Workpackage 4 - Dissemination What? Spread out information about the Glottodrama project and method. Organisation of 9 Press-conferences addressed to media, stakeholders and educational professionals on the Glottodrama method's pedagogical benefits and on the EATALL association. Organisation of a European conference on Drama & Theatre applied to Foreign Language Teaching in Rome (2014). An event aimed also at the presentation of the EATALL association. Editing and publishing in English of the conference proceedings. Implementation of the partners’ mini web-sites on the Glottodrama Project in the local languages. Printing and distribution of promotional materials (leaflets and posters). Who? All the partners. When? General dissemination activities will take place during all the eligible period (2012/2014). All press-conferences and other events will take places in 2014 after the development phase unless it is necessary to anticipate them. Implementation of mini-web sites within June 2013.
Workpackage 5 - Exploitation 1 Commercialization What? Terms and procedures to commercialize Glottodrama courses and teaching materials. A General Agreement inside the partnership will be signed regarding the exploitation of project results and to rule the intellectual property rights. All the partners will be entitled to commercialize in their countries courses based on the "Multilanguage Glottodrama Teaching Kit" and on the project's publications (Resource Books in 8 languages + a Resource Book in Italian already published within a previous project). This will be done according to the principles of preserving the method’s pedagogical integrity and assuring professionalism in its practical application. Who? All the partners. When? Starting January 2014 and ending September 2014.
Workpackage 5 - Exploitation 2 EATALL What? Set up of a European Association for Theatre & Drama Applied to Language Learning, EATALL, based in Rome. Organization of a Promoting Committee and of a Scientific Board. Legal constitution. Implementation of the association web site and publication of a newsletter. Promotional campaign based on web resources and on local actions of the partnership. This action is aimed at assuring long lasting effects to the project, at involving professionals and institutions beyond the boarders of the consortium and at supporting the project’s sustainability after the contractual period. Active participation in some language events: Expolingua Berlin (October 2014), Expolangue Paris (February 2014), Salon de la Ensenanza (March 2014) and Expolingua Lisbon (October 2014). Who? All the partners with a particular contribution asked to Euroinform and Universidad Politecnica. When? Starting September 2013 and ending September 2014.
End of presentation…starting of our work Join the Glottodrama adventure … Be yourself in every language!