Applying to University The UCAS Process
UCAS – The System University Central Admissions System All UK applications to university are made using this online system. Very helpful website with key sections for students, parents and teachers/advisors. Customer Services Students should always have their UCAS ID number if contacting UCAS or universities.
UCAS Deadlines for 2013 entry October 15 th 2012 Medicine, Vet Med, Dentistry, Oxbridge. January 15 th 2013 for other courses. March date for some Art courses. Our internal deadlines are September 28 th and October 25th to give time for checking and writing/adding reference.
UCAS Website
Helping students to choose a course UCAS Convention & Seminars (today!) Higher Ideas software in school UCAS website and the Stamford Test Personal Research A careers interview in school University Open Days Prospectuses Links from Rossett School Website (Sixth Form section)
Choose your courses and institutions Five choices, no order of preference. Not advisable to choose widely differing courses – the same personal statement is sent to each institution. Each university does not ‘see’ your other choices. For Oxford or Cambridge you can apply early and then add the other 4 choices after.
Oxbridge, Dentistry, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. no more than four choices in any one of the following three areas: (i)medicine; (ii)dentistry; (iii) veterinary medicine or veterinary science no more than one choice for Oxford University or the University of Cambridge (there is an exception to this but only for graduate applications).
Other factors to consider : Interest Modular vs linear; Sandwich course/year in industry/abroad. Flexibility e.g ability to transfer to a different degree if desired. UCAS points/grades required – do they match UCAS predicted grades? At this time we have not made the predicted grades so as a guide I suggest students use their target grades.
UCAS Predicted grades/target grades? All students have a target grade set at the top 25 th percentile based on ALPS. This is where we would like them to aspire to. The UCAS predicted grade is what we think students are going to get – hopefully they are the same! However, the UCAS grade can be higher or lower than the school’s target grade – it all depends on progress in that subject.
UCAS Tariff Each A level grade is ‘worth’ a different number of UCAS points: A level GradeUCAS Tariff A*140 A120 B100 C80 D60 E40
BTEC National Certificate (Sport) BTEC National Award (Performing Arts 2012) Tariff points CertificateAward DD240 DM200 MM160 MP D120 PP M80 P40
Entry Requirements Sometimes this is stated in terms of grades. Sometimes specific A levels and specific grades. Sometimes points score – but the points only ‘count’ once. E.g. AAB and C at AS would give =380 points Read very carefully.
The application form. Completed online, can complete different parts in different order. Some sections time out after about 40 minutes so make sure the application is saved. Main sections are ▫Registration ▫Personal details (no silly addresses) ▫Additional information ▫Course choices ▫Education (i.e. qualifications) ▫Personal Statement
The Personal Statement 47 lines, 4000 characters (includes spaces) Approximately three quarters of a page of typed A4, arial 12 point. Use the websites to look for the key qualities/skills/attributes the university is looking for. Sometimes this is included on the UCAS website as the ‘career entry profile’. Tutor support and checked thoroughly.
The Personal Statement continued.. Must be student’s own work. Must be able to say why they want to study that subject. Must use examples to evidence their qualities. Must be in continuous prose. Useful guide on UCAS website apply/personalstatement/whattoincludehttp:// apply/personalstatement/whattoinclude
Hints & Tips. Start the whole process early – use the next few weeks and the Summer holidays to encourage students to research courses. UCAS Points/Grades – are they being realistic? Consider courses carefully – can students say convincingly why they wish to apply for this course? Link experiences to skills acquired/attributes demonstrated – don’t list.
TIMELINE June/July – register with UCAS & search for courses. Attend Open days, speak to staff, careers advisers and carry out personal research. August – begin to draft personal statement, making lists of work experience, volunteering, paid work and hobbies and link this to skills/qualities you have demonstrated or gained. September – get predicted grades for A levels at beginning of term and refine your course choice decision. Write personal statement, using help from Realsmart, UCAS website and tutors as well as family/friends. Complete Personal Statement in WORD.
Timeline continued.. Friday 28 September School deadline for applications for Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary science. Thursday 25th October School deadline for all other applications. There is some evidence that there is an advantage to applying early. For many courses Universities do make offers to early applicants even before Jan 15 th deadline.
Pay & Send Once the online form is completed and checked by us we will tell students they are ready to ‘pay & send’. This means it is sent to their referee (which is technically Ms Harland or Mrs Grabham) for the reference to be added. Payment must be by credit, debit or solo card. £23 for 5 choices, £12 for one choice. We need time to add the reference. Once added, we allow students to read the reference then we send it off to UCAS.
How Parents Can Help. Help with drafting and checking spelling, punctuation and grammar. Read their personal statements. Do they sound passionate/interested in their degree subject? Can they evidence their passion? What have they read, done, experienced that has helped them gain an insight into their course?
How Parents Can Help. Keeping an eye on the deadline of October 25 th. (September 28 th for early UCAS deadline) Help with course searches and researching funding and accommodation.
Any questions?