Health during Infancy & Childhood Islamic University Nursing college
Assessment of health of children Mortality rate. Morbidity rate. The assessment of the two variables can reflect: 1- Causes of deaths. 2- Age group at risk for hazards and diseases. Over period of time
Statistics Incidence: ex. Number of new cases of DM over specific period of time. Prevalence: ex. Number of old & new cases of DM over specific period of time. Mortality: Number of individuals who died over specific period of time per ( death certificates) Infant mortality rate (IMR): Number of deaths per 1000 live births during first year of life in specific year. Two type of IMR: Neonatal mortality: From birth to 28 days of life. Postnatal mortality: From one month to 12 months of life.
Decrease IMR due to Good infection control. Improve nutritional conditions. New generation of antibiotic and antimicrobial. Advanced care of preconception care, prenatal, natal and postnatal care. Improve the health and education of the population as general.
Main leading causes of deaths in Palestine Respiratory diseases. Infections. Low birth weight. Congenital malformations. Sudden death.
Causes of Deaths 1. Infants: 0-12 months: A.Prenatal condition: Aspiration pneumonia. Cord compression. Difficult labor. B. Congenital malformations: Teteralogy of fallout. Tracheoesophageal fistula. Others. C. Infection & sepsis.
Causes of Deaths 2. Childhood: Accidents. Cancers. Congenital anomalies (Cystic fibrosis, Thalassemia, etc…). Infections. (Respiratory tract & Gastrointestinal) Malnutrition. 3. Adolescents: o Accidents and suicide.
Morbidity Morbidity definition: Statistics the prevalence of a specific illness in the population at a particular time per Example: number of bacterial meningitis in children under age of five years in 2013.
Morbidity in children Morbidity in children definition: Any illness sever enough to limit activity or require medical attention. Classified as: Acute (respiratory. infections, injuries). Chronic or disability. Social illnesses ( behavioral, psychosocial & educational problems( poverty, violence and school failure)