Canada vs Germany
A Brief Introduction Canada & Germany Size: Approx. 9,980,000 km 2 – Approx. 357,000 km 2 Population: 34.7 Million – 81.8 Million Pop Density: 3.41/km 2 – 229/km 2 Capital: Ottawa - Berlin
Another Brief Introduction Alberta & Saxony Size: Approx. 660,000 km 2 – Approx. 18,415 km 2 Population: 3.72 Million – 4.15 Million Pop Density: 5.8/km 2 – 225/km 2 Capital: Edmonton - Dresden
DOES SIZE REALLY MATTER..? A graphical view
Visiting a friend on the opposite side of the city Canada Distance? Germany Distance? 18km (Leipzig)
Visit a friend in another city Canada Edmonton – Calgary Distance? Germany Leipzig – Chemnitz Distance?
Visit your family Canada Typically live at home, if studying in same city Distance? 14 steps (average) Germany Varies, but typical to study not in the same city as family lives Distance?
Watch a football / hockey game at a stadium Canada Distance? Germany Distance?
Your cousin’s wedding on the other side of the country Canada Distance? Germany Distance?
How do you do the grocery shopping? Canada Usage? Usually one time a week Distance? Germany Usage? Sometimes 2-3 times a week Distance?
How do you get to the lake to go for a swim? Canada Distance? Germany Distance?
How do you get home from a party/club? Canada Use? Taxi (~$30-40) / get picked up by someone Distance? Germany Use? Night bus / bike / taxi (~10 euro) Distance?
You arrived in another city of your country, how do you get to your hotel? Canada Distance? Germany Distance?
When do you use your bike? Canada Next to never (unless for sport/hobby) Germany To go anywhere (not only as sport/hobby)
Summary Much greater distances in Canada This affects the culture of traveling Canadians rather use a car to overcome (generally) greater distances In Germany, everything is closer – people walk and ride their bikes more often The climate has a big impact on transport behaviour since Canada generally has more extreme winters than Germany Due to the smaller population density in Canada, it’s not as feasible to build the infrastructure (ie. trains, strassenbahn, etc.) In general, Europe has historically had a culture and higher standard of public transport