Chapter 8, Section 2 Text Pages
Find out that Pakistan’s economy is based on agriculture. Learn about Pakistan’s industries.
Drought- a long period of dry weather. Green Revolution- a worldwide effort to increase food production in developing countries. Self-sufficient- able to supply one’s own needs without any outside assistance. Tributary- a river that flows into a larger river.
In 2001, Pakistan was in the middle of an extreme drought- a long period of dry weather. Make a connection……What was the area that India and Pakistan were fighting over? Why were they fighting over this area of land?
About half of Pakistan’s labor force works in agriculture. Chief crops: cotton, wheat, sugar cane, rice. Pakistan is among the world’s top ten cotton producers.
Starting in the 1940s, the Green Revolution was a worldwide effort to increase food production in developing countries, including Pakistan and India. Introduction of modern farming methods and special varieties of wheat, rice and corn.
Pakistan now has enough wheat to export to Afghanistan.
Pakistan’s farmers use water from the Indus River and its tributaries to water their fields. What are the two water problems that Pakistan faces?
Most industry is located near the sources of hydroelectric power, on the plains of the Indus River.
More than 60% of the country’s exports come from the textile industry.
The chemical industry produces paint, soap, dye, and insect killing sprays. Workshops produce field hockey sticks, furniture, knives, saddles, and carpets.