Welcome to Count Me In! 15 th April Heartlands.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Count Me In! 15 th April Heartlands

Why are we here?

Musical Inclusion – what do we mean? “Our vision is to enable children from all backgrounds and every part of England to have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument; to make music with others; to learn to sing; and to have the opportunity to progress to the next level of excellence” (National Music Education Plan)

Why are we here? Musical Inclusion – what do we mean? Youth Music says; “Musically inclusive practice ensures that all children and young people who want to can make music. True inclusivity can only happen in music education if there are opportunities for all children and young people to be supported as musicians across all genres and styles, by practitioners who understand their needs and worldviews and who are equipped to help them on their individual learning journeys.”

Why are we here? Musical Inclusion – what do we mean? For Cymaz Music it means more than making sure all children and young people can take part…. It’s about examining, challenging and celebrating excellent practice within which Inclusion is a key theme

Why are we here? Musical Inclusion – what do we mean? Inclusion is EMBEDDED, not seen as a separate component….

Why are we here? Musical Inclusion – what do we mean? Quality Data (monitoring and evaluation) Inclusion & Diversity Young People’s Voice Creativity and Innovation (approaches to pedagogy) Workforce Development Effective & Accessible Communications Effective Partnerships Funding and Sustainability

Why are we here? Identifying barriers and seeking solutions…. Research and consultation gave us indications about the key barriers faced by children and young people in accessing music making… the results were not surprising…

Why are we here? Barriers…. Access to Information Financial Physical / logistics (practical challenges) Workforce (the right people with the right skills, experience and approach) The right support and environments for progression Gap/barriers between formal and non-formal and gaps in overall attainment (for young people in challenging circumstances)

Why are we here? Significant barriers for some of our most disadvantaged children and young people.

Why are we here? With Hub funds and as part of the Musical Inclusion programme we have…

Why are we here? Developed AMP strategy Music Mentoring Provided Training & CPD Worked with CiC Worked with bereaved CYP Worked in identified Cold Spots Worked with YP in 5AP Acadamies Increased work opportunities for MLs Presented at National gatherings Made new partnerships New Ensemble YEP!

Why are we here? This is just a flavour…. Next Steps. Call to action…. Will you be Inclusion Advocates? With Youth Music, Hub support and partners we will; build a team of Inclusion Ambassadors target resources to those most in need develop training, resources and progression routes to support those working with children and young people (in and outside of school) develop, test, review and roll out the AMP model

Why are we here? Today and beyond… Inclusion – how do we all get there, with a shared understanding – gaining ideas, contacts and better understanding…? Quality – what does it mean? How do we measure it? Can we challenge ourselves to examine our practice? QA Framework / Do, Review, Improve (Youth Music)

Why are we here? T All presentations and resources from today will be available on the Count Me In! group on the Youth Music Network music-more-inclusive Tanya Moore – Cornwall Music Education Hub Manager