The Art and Science of Designing Games for Learning Ken Perlin, Director Jan L. Plass, Co-Director Susan Stratton, Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships
Mission Study the use of digital games for learning–socio-cultural, cognitive, and emotional impact. Develop design patterns for effective learning games that industry partners can draw on to assure high quality when designing their own games for learning. Focus is on games that teach science, technology, engineering and mathematics to middle school students, bridging in-school and out-of-school learning.
Collaborators School of One NYC DOE – Network of Middle Schools Mouse Squad (After School Programs) New York Hall of Science Computers for Youth National Council of Women in Technology Pragmatic Solutions Games for Change
Research Team Participating researchers Mary Flanagan (Dartmouth) Steve Feiner (Columbia) Bruce Homer (GC/CUNY) Katherine Isbister (NYU-Poly) Charles Kinzer (Teachers College) Colleen Macklin (Parsons) Cath Milne (NYU) Andy Phelps (RIT) Carl Skelton (NYU-Poly) Joel Wein (NYU-Poly) Miguel Nussbaum (PUC Chile) Ken Perlin Institute Director Jan L. Plass Institute Co-Director
Advisory Board Kaelan Doyle-Myerscough James Gee Alan Kay Jaron Lanier Mitch Resnick Tobi Saulnier Will Wright
Game Design: Math Games that teach mathematics to middle school students– School of One
Game Design: Science Games that teach science to middle school students Adventure Game for Chemistry Augmented Reality Science Game
Research From game design patterns to learning outcomes Affective Outcomes Educational Game Design Patterns Factual Knowledge Conceptual Knowledge Procedural Knowledge Meta-cognitive Knowledge Curricular Integration Educational Games Educational Games
Research Using Sophisticated, Cutting-Edge Research Methods and Tools
Expertise/Products Design patterns for effective educational games Representative Games for Math and Science Learning Framework for In-Game Collection of User Data Methods for In-game Assessment of Learning Mining algorithms to measure many user variables
Applications Research Applications In this open app culture, G4LI is seeking to create a public/ private partnership Licensable options Digital ‘Toolbox’ for teachers Digital ‘Backpack’ for students Digital ‘Shoebox’ for parents Evaluation criteria (seal of approval) for learning games Aggregated web site, the ‘Google’ of learning games Licensing arm to achieve self-funding Domestic base, global reach
Scope Domestic and International Emerging Leader in the Games for Learning Community Hosting Will Wright talk Hosting Games for Learning Day at G4C Hosting Invitational Learning Games Summit with Gates Foundation support; Chair: James H. Shelton III, Asst. Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement, US DOE