Energy & Sustainability Services “SMART” Conference February 22, 2010 Bill Meffert Enterprise Innovation Institute Georgia Institute of Technology
E NERGY & S USTAINABILITY S ERVICES Sustainability Technical A SSESSMENTS : Energy Lean & Green OSHA Environmental Compliance Technology Applications Environmental Network Implementation Assistance Management M ANAGEMENT S YSTEMS Energy (EnMS) Environmental (EMS) Safety & Health Integrated MS Continual Improvement Coaching Training Gap Analysis
E NERGY S YSTEM A SSESSMENTS GT Qualified Specialists have conducted > 40 ESAs GEFA Compressed Air Fans Process Heating Pumping Steam ■ Assessments targeted at most energy intensive industries and most intensive energy systems ■ Conducted by DOE Energy Experts ■ Plant personnel are trained on DOE software tools
I NDUSTRIAL A SSESSMENT C ENTERS DOE's 26 university-based Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) train engineering students for careers in industrial energy efficiency IACs serve 300+ plants per year (under 1 TBtu/yr) and typically identify savings of 8%-10% or $115,000/plant Database of 13,500 assessment results:
Power Partners (GSN) LEAN & GREEN Assessment: 3 days, “green” value stream map Power Partners by the Numbers Estimated energy savings of $600,000 Reduced tank inventory by 34 percent Cut supply chain lead time from 17 days to less than a week Reduced water usage by 10,000 gallons daily Improved quality and productivity
Plant managers and consulting engineers can use ITP’s system- and component-specific training sessions that focus on improving energy management and the use of the software tools. End-User Training Hands-on, one- and two-day trainings at different locations around the country are taught by expert instructors Webcasts provide an introduction to energy management and other special topics Data Center Workshops provide information on state-of-the-art strategies to improve data center energy intensity Specialist Training Interested Federal personnel can take training to become a Qualified Specialist. T RAINING
The Management System “Umbrella” Security Safety Public Image P2 Energy and Air Quality Compliance Solid Waste Productivity & efficiency An “umbrella” to integrate stove-piped systems and objectives Dynamic, flexible approaches Leads to continual improvement & sustained savings
ISO Project Committee 242 ISO Secretary-General Alan Bryden: " This first meeting of PC 242 marks the launch of a new global approach to systematically address energy performance in organizations – pragmatically addressing energy efficiency and related climate change impacts. It is fully in line with and supportive of the global mobilization on these major challenges, and with the IEA-ISO position paper on the contribution of International Standards."
9 Collaboration of industry, government, and non-profit organizations Seek to improve the energy intensity of U.S. manufacturing through a series of initiatives. Guide development of the Superior Energy Performance program U.S. C OUNCIL FOR E NERGY E FFICIENCY M ANUFACTURING
Thank you! Energy & Sustainability Services Enterprise Innovation Institute Georgia Institute of Technology