BY NOLAN BENSON THE CHEROKEE INDIANS. TOPICS COVERED Who are the Cherokee Indians? Their environment How they lived How they survived Skills they are.


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Presentation transcript:


TOPICS COVERED Who are the Cherokee Indians? Their environment How they lived How they survived Skills they are known for

WHO ARE THE CHEROKEE INDIANS? The Cherokee Indians are a tribe of Native American Indians They were one of the “Five Civilized Tribes” according to Anglo-European settlers They were considered “civilized” because they: Had good relations with their neighbors Adopted many cultural practices and technological tools from the settlers

THEIR ENVIRONMENT The Cherokee Indians lived in the Southeastern Woodlands of the United States They lived in houses made of mud and clay with roofs made of rivercane Resources available to them were: Wood Animals Stones Chestnuts Rivercane

HOW THEY LIVED One of the games the Cherokee played was stickball The men’s roles were to hunt, make tools, and fight in wars The woman’s roles were to farm, make their houses, and take care of their family The Cherokee walked the trail of tears They believed the world had to be kept in balance

HOW THEY SURVIVED Hunting and Farming They hunted deer, turkey, squirrels, rabbits, birds, and fish Planted corn, beans, and squash Tools Their tools consisted of blowguns, bows, spears, hand axes, hatchets, tomohawks, and flint knives Clothing The men wore animal skins, leggings, and moccasins The women wore wraparound skirts, animal skins, and moccasins

SKILLS THEY ARE KNOWN FOR The Cherokee Indians are known for: Being warriors of great skill Building strong houses and weapons Playing stick ball