A New School Improvement Model Jan Vesely, Ed.D, Vice President, School Achievement Services, Pearson Walt Gibson, General Manager, School Achievement Services, Pearson
Building SIM – What the research says about school turnaround: Turning a school around requires a comprehensive approach (MassInsight Turnaround Report, Calkins et al., 2007; Bryk et al.2010) Turnaround requires an external Lead Partner who deeply embeds support within the school (MassInsight Report, Calkins et al., 2007) One size does NOT fit all! – Strategies must be comprehensive, flexible, adaptable, and sustainable (Brookings Institute, 2002; Century, 2009; Center on Education Policy, 2009) Turnaround requires dramatic academic and non academic change (MassInsight Turnaround Report, Calkins et al., 2007) Fidelity of Implementation matters (Borman et al., 2003) Districts must support the change with system-wide commitment, effective professional development, and a plan for sustainability. (Supovitz, 2007)
Pearson Schoolwide Improvement Model (SIM) Comprehensive Flexible Evidence-based Affordable Sustainable This slide has animation beginning with Standards…, then Leadership, then High achievement, followed by Data-driven culture, and finally the outer ring of Sustainability. — concept of each half of the wheel being matched by its complementary half and the halves of the inner wheel providing the connective tissue. Then the outer ring is the foundation – less a set of tasks or actions than a way of supporting implementation that provides capacity building to support implementation. Custom built for each grade span Focus is on Tier 1 (our interventions are now optional additions) — this is not to suggest that interventions are not important. They are, but we understand that many schools have already invested in interventions. The idea underpinning Response to Intervention (RTI) is that the vast majority of students should be able to be accommodated within the Tier 1 program; that is, the school’s core instructional program. If we are to take seriously the related idea of high standards for all students, then we need to focus on how to organize instruction and learning within the core program (Tier 1) so that it can meet the needs of a majority of students. When we do that, the numbers of students requiring Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions is likely to be reduced because more students’ learning needs are being met within the regular classroom. The school may add the Navigator programs to its CIM implementation to provide support for students requiring Tier 2 intervention. Similarly, the school may add the Ramp-Up programs to its CIM implementation to support the needs of students who require Tier 3 implementation. Alternatively the school may continue to use existing Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions or select others as it chooses. Regardless of the specific Tier 2 and Tier 3 programs in place, the CIM implementation process includes careful monitoring of all students’ progress and monitoring of the quality of the Tier 1 program and instruction with the goal of maximizing the effectiveness of “first” instruction and limiting the need for Tier 2 and tier 3 interventions to students whose learning needs are not met by high quality “first” instruction. The watchwords for our model roll along the bottom: Comprehensive — capacity to impact change across the school; not only in specific content areas, and in all aspects of the school’s culture and operations Flexible — capable of flexing to meet schools’ individual needs Evidence-based — continuing to rest on the foundations of research on the model (by CPRE and others) that show positive results for student achievement Affordable — establishing a foundation model that can support comprehensive improvement and yet is within reach of schools during hard financial times Sustainable — including specific, targeted supports to build schools’ capacity for sustained school improvement
SIMply results Prepare your students to be college and career ready Help your students achieve the Common Core Provide high quality instruction for all students Reach every student, every subject, every year Implement a data-driven approach Provide academic support beyond the school day
In literacy, the Common Core State Standards: Dramatically increase text complexity at every grade level – “The ability to read and comprehend complex text is the best predictor of college success.” Emphasize informational text at ever-increasing levels across the grades Require increasingly complex academic vocabulary Are measured by students’ ability to reason and justify an argument Will assess students’ literacy in both science and social studies Are aligned to the expectations for entering college or the workforce without remediation
In math, the Common Core State Standards: Are organized, K to 12, around key topics in mathematics Emphasize focus and coherence Focus on key topics at each grade level. Define coherent progressions across grade levels. Balance concepts and skills Require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency Foster reasoning and sense-making in mathematics. Are aligned to the expectations for entering college or the workforce without remediation
Schoolwide Improvement Model (SIM) Why will it work in Hawaii? The Pearson Schoolwide Improvement Model: Can stand on its own as an effective and comprehensive solution Is custom-designed for each grade span Can bring a schoolwide focus to disparate programs and initiatives Can serve as a single school model — does not depend on a cohort Does not depend on having coaches Is repeatable so it can be researched Is not dependent on on-site professional development SIM may be flexed in two ways: Through optional additions, such as math and literacy interventions By varying the intensity of support for implementation
Component 1: Standards-Aligned Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Schoolwide Instructional Focus Professional Development for all teachers Emphasis on Academic Language Reasoning and Justification Collaboration Independent Learning Content Area Concentrations English language arts Mathematics
Component 2: High Performance Leadership, Management, and Organization Implementation Elements Highly focused Leadership Team with distributed responsibilities Leadership Team responsible for: Driving implementation process, including workgroup facilitation; building tight linkages among settings Assuring school organization and support for implementation goals Systematic monitoring of implementation and adjusting plans and strategies to address improvement needs
Component 3: Data-Driven Culture Implementation Elements Ties Standards-Aligned Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment together with High Performance Leadership, Management, and Organization Systematic development of foundations for establishing school as data-driven culture, linking leadership, departments, classrooms, counseling & guidance Student achievement data Non-academic student data Schoolwide systems data Classroom observation data
Component 4: High Achievement and Engagement Implementation Elements Ties Aligned Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment together with High Performance Leadership, Management, and Organization Focus on: Engaging community in supporting high expectations Connecting classroom culture of engagement to school culture of high expectations and support for achievement Instituting early warning system connected to tiered supports for students’ social and emotional development Student Services staff (including deans, counselors, social workers) form High Achievement and Engagement Workgroup for maintain continuing focus
Component 5: Building Capacity for Sustainability Implementation Elements Coherent school-wide approach to curriculum, instruction and assessment Development of instructional leadership and distributed leadership with tight linkages to Aligned Instruction Systems development Data-driven culture Early warning system with guidance on connected tiered supports Connected system of Professional Development and Technical Assistance with support from Learning Teams Monitoring and feedback protocols and resources coupled with systematic processes for monitoring and adjusting plans School drives implementation from the beginning with: Scaffolded support provided by the design of the Model On site technical assistance by Pearson Field Specialists
Pearson Schoolwide Improvement Model Deliverables for Hawaii Experienced, Embedded Local Team 60 days of on-site leadership, literacy, and mathematics assistance from highly-qualified and certified Pearson field specialists 10 days of Common Core professional development focused on: Tier 1 instructional practices (Schoolwide Instructional Focus) Leadership training, Learning Teams training, and CCSS curriculum alignment Ongoing implementation support from Pearson’s National College for professional development and research
Pearson Schoolwide Improvement Model Deliverables for Hawaii Robust tools for teachers, students, and parents Galileo K-12 Online Comprehensive Assessment Teacher Compass and Principal Compass Cloud based teacher and principal enlightenment tools delivered via web or iPad Developed at Johns Hopkins University to collect and aggregate observation data, track schoolwide trends, and support self assessment and professional learning Built in feedback systems, social collaboration platform, and extensive library of 3,000+ professional development videos At-Risk/Drop-out Prevention online monitoring tool SmartThinking 24/7 online tutoring for students Optional Digital and print tools available for student interventions
Pearson Schoolwide Improvement Model Deliverables for Hawaii A Solid Research-Based Model Aligns curriculum, instruction, and assessment Prepares teachers and students for transition to the common core Provides an instructional focus emphasizing academic language and independent learner competencies Promotes Tier 1 instruction in every classroom through Systematic teacher development, Skilled technical assistance, and Coaching from embedded Pearson staff Expands classroom engagement to a culture of high expectations Incorporates Learning Teams to establish regular settings for process-driven instructional collaboration and a data-driven approach to improvement Includes SIOP support for ELL’s and additional support for special education students
Headlines of the SIM Quality first instruction for all Schoolwide instructional focus on college & career readiness Complementary focus on students’ social & emotional readiness Practical strategies for aligning curriculum & instruction to standards & assessments Tight linkages between development settings — leadership, departments, classrooms, counseling & guidance Capacity building for sustainability from Day One Job-embedded professional development with online support Onsite support from certified Field Specialists as needed Model can be flexed to meet school needs
Customer Engagement Process Pre-Contract Engagement SIM Implementation Qualification Requirements Conference Planning Conference Launch Institute Continuing Implementation Sales GM Field Designee Field Specialist Principal Assoc. Principals Deans & small group including the scheduler and counselor Pearson General Manager, West Assigned Project Manager Content Area Field Specialists National Training Staff Principal. AP’s and Deans School Leadership Team Key Content Area leaders School Support Staff Pearson General Manager, West Assigned Project Manager Content Area Field Specialists National Training Staff Principal. AP’s and Deans School Leadership Team Key Content Area leaders School Support Staff Sales GM Field Designee Field Specialist Principal Assoc. Principals Deans & small group including the scheduler and counselor Sales GM Field Designee Sales GM Field Designee Sales Sales
SIMply results. SIMply results. www.pearsonschoolimprovement.com Pearson’s Schoolwide Improvement Model (SIM) is an innovative standards-based system of comprehensive school improvement. Forged in collaborative partnerships with more than a thousand schools, SIM represents the culmination of two decades worth of verifiable third-party research, experience and…simply…results. Flexible and affordable, SIM meets the unique needs of any individual school or group of schools, helping you help all students become college and career ready. Through a data-driven, technology-supported, customizable process, SIM helps you turn the complexities of school improvement into sustainable results. SIMply results. www.pearsonschoolimprovement.com SIMply results is our guarantee that we can help you build sustainable student and educator success.