Katherine Jones, RDH, BS
Protective eyewear for patient and operator Basic setup Air-water syringe High-volume oral evacuator Prophy brush Pumice paste Isolation supplies Etching agent Sealant material Applicator syringes Cotton tip applicator Curing light and appropriate shield Low-speed handpiece with contra-angle attachment Articulating paper and holder Round white stone (latch type) Dental floss
Teeth must have deep pits and fissures & be sufficiently erupted
Cleanse the tooth with a fluoride free pumice paste to remove plaque and debris from the occlusal surface & rinse and dry the tooth
Cotton rolls Cotton angles Dental dam Isolite
Cotton RollsDri Angles
Dental DamIsolite
Acid etchant helps the sealant bond to enamel Etching tooth
Use the syringe tip to apply a generous amount of acid etchant to tooth surface being sealed, extending slightly beyond the anticipated margin of the sealant Apply etch for a minimum of 15 seconds but no longer than 60 seconds Suction etchant before rinsing Rinse with air-water syringe and suction to remove remaining etch Air dry tooth until tooth surface appears chalky white Do not allow etched surface to become contaminated
What are some etchant precautions?
Avoid etching gingiva, lips, swallowing, etc… though isolation & proper application technique
Slowly apply a thin layer of sealant material using the syringe tip or a brush Use an explorer or cotton tipped applicator to increase flow of sealant into pits and fissures and eliminate possible bubbles Light cure for 20 seconds holding tip of light as closely as possible to the sealant without actually touching sealant
What are some sealant precautions?
Allergies to material
Use mouth mirror to check the shine and coverage of the sealant Use explorer to gently trace the sealant for complete coverage and voids If the sealant has not been contaminated, additional sealant may be placed to fill in voids If sealant had been contaminated, re-etch 5 seconds, rinse and dry before placing additional sealant material
Check interproximal areas with dental floss Check occlusion using articulating paper and adjust if required. If bite is high, unfilled sealant will wear down in days or weeks, filled sealant material can be adjusted using a stone or bur. Provide the patient with postoperative instructions Document the procedure in the patients chart.