Feb 25 th and 27 th, 2014 P.S. 174 Q
Students in third through fifth grade will take the NYS ELA and Mathematics exam. Certain English Language Learners are exempt from the NYS ELA. If you have questions about exemptions please contact your child’s classroom or ELL teacher. Fourth grade students will also take a state science exam. An additional workshop will be held to provide information.
ELA April 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd Math April 30 th, May 1 st and 2 nd
Fifty percent nonfiction text and fifty percent literary text 100% authentic tests Three books over three days Grade 5 day two will have fewer passages and questions.
English Language Arts GradeBook Estimated Time of Completion Maximum Time of Completion Day Administered 3150 Minutes70 Minutes1 250 Minutes70 Minutes2 350 Minutes70 Minutes3 Total Estimated Time:150 Minutes 4150 Minutes70 Minutes1 250 Minutes70 Minutes2 350 Minutes70 Minutes3 Total Estimated Time:150 Minutes Minutes90 Minutes1 260 Minutes90 Minutes2 350 Minutes90 Minutes3 Total Estimated Time:180 Minutes
Multiple Choice questions analyze different aspects of a given text, including central idea, style elements, character and plot development, and vocabulary. Students must comprehend the whole text Short Response questions are designed to assess CCSS Standards. Students use textual evidence to support their own answer to an inferential question. Extended-response questions are designed to measure a student’s ability to write from sources. Students must communicate a clear and coherent analysis of one or two texts.
Fewer questions across all grades Shorter overall test times
Mathematics GradeBook Estimated Time of Completion Maximum Time of Completion Day Administered 3140 Minutes60 Minutes1 240 Minutes60 Minutes2 350 Minutes70 Minutes3 Total Estimated Time:130 Minutes 4140 Minutes60 Minutes1 240 Minutes60 Minutes2 370 Minutes90 Minutes3 Total Estimated Time:150 Minutes Minutes80 Minutes1 240 Minutes80 Minutes2 370 Minutes90 Minutes3 Total Estimated Time:150 Minutes
Multiple-choice questions are designed to assess CCLS for Mathematics. Mathematics multiple-choice questions will mainly be used to assess standard algorithms and conceptual standards. Short-response questions require students to complete a task and show their work. Short-response questions will often require multiple steps, the application of multiple mathematics skills, and real- world applications. Extended-response questions ask students to show their work in completing two or more tasks or a more extensive problem. This allows students to show their understanding of mathematical procedures, conceptual understanding, and application. These questions may also assess student reasoning and the ability to critique the arguments of others.
Remind your child to just “Do your best and show what you know” try not put any undue pressure on them. Please send your child to school well rested. Make sure they eat a good breakfast. Please only send in two good-quality, sharpened #2 pencils with erasers. Do not send in “lucky” erasers, pencils cases, lead pencils, or other such items as these can be distracting. If your child is ill please keep them home. There are make-up days and we want every child to be 100% when taking the exam.
for-english-language-arts-and-mathematics for-english-language-arts-and-mathematics CoreLibrary/default.htm CoreLibrary/default.htm