After You Read Page 30 Papa’s Parrot
Key Ideas and Details 1a. Harry and his friends visited Mr. Tillian after school because they wanted to buy candy and sample the nuts. 1b. They are older, have more spending money, and want to do other things.
2a. Rocky is Mr. Tillian’s parrot. Key Ideas and Details 2a. Rocky is Mr. Tillian’s parrot. 2b. He buys the parrot for company after Harry and his friends stop coming by the store.
3b. He is angry with himself for neglecting his father. Key Ideas and Details 3a. He throws peppermints at the bird and shouts insults at him. 3b. He is angry with himself for neglecting his father.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 4a. Harry needs to realize that Mr. Tillian still needs his company and Mr. Tillian needs to understand that Harry is growing up. 4b. Harry has a greater responsibility to be understanding because he has been neglecting his father.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 5a. Rocky reveals that Mr. Tillian is hurt by Harry’s absence from the store. 5b. It is better for Harry to learn the truth from the parrot. His father would not have been comfortable explaining his own feelings.
Reading Skill: Context Clues Unfamiliar Word Context Clue Possible Meaning
Literary Analysis: Narrative Text 2. “Papa’s Parrot” is called a narrative because it tells a story with events happing in chronological order. 3a. Mr. Tillian bought his parrot after Harry stopped coming to the store. 3b. This is important to the story because Mr. Tillian needed the parrot to keep him company once Harry no longer visited.
1. You would resume, or continue a meeting after taking a break. Vocabulary 1. You would resume, or continue a meeting after taking a break. 2. If children play in a cluster, they are playing in a group. 3. No, if shipments are ready for delivery, they still need to be delivered. 4. A bird’s feet hold it onto a perch.
6. No, if I ignored my friends, I would not pay attention or respond. Vocabulary 5. If something is merely a chance, there is only a small chance it will happen. 6. No, if I ignored my friends, I would not pay attention or respond.
Yes, the prefix re- means “again,” and rejoins means “join again. Word Study Yes, the prefix re- means “again,” and rejoins means “join again. No, the prefix re- means “again,” so you can only recall something you already know, and so can think of again.