Non-Rebreathing System Used for patients weighing < 7 kg Attach the clear, plastic hose to the fresh gas inlet (this tube comes from the vaporizer outlet port) Flow of gas differs from rebreathing circuit now! Fresh gas goes directly to the patient Exhaled gas comes directly out through a separate hose and goes into a reservoir bag or sent through another tube to be scavenged
Non-Rebreathing System Benefit: Less parts = less resistance Smaller animals need this feature! Negative: Higher amount of oxygen used due to patient not-rebreathing any gas Patient is only breathing cool, dry fresh gas Warm, moist exhaled gases don’t meet
Non-rebreathing Systems Jackson-Rees Norman Mask Elbow
Non-rebreathing Systems Bain coaxial Ayre’s T-Piece Does not have a reservoir bag
Oxygen Flow Rates Non-rebreathing system: 250 ml/kg/min High b/c removal of CO 2 is dependent on flow in the system Can go up to 600 ml/kg/min! Note: An inadequate fresh gas supply will result in your patient re-breathing gases…remember, there is no CO 2 absorber!
Things to Consider Which breathing system may help keep a patient from becoming hypothermic? Which breathing system is more costly to use? Which breathing system allows for the quickest change in anesthetic depth?