What can be measured in this picture? Starter Activity: What can be measured in this picture?
Biotic and Abiotic Factors Appropriate Clip art to topic Biotic and Abiotic Factors Learning Intention: Measurement of biotic and abiotic factors. Success Criteria: Give examples biotic and abiotic factors. Measure abiotic factors (light intensity, temperature, pH and soil moisture). Explain why abiotic factors affect distribution of organisms in an ecosystem.
Measuring abiotic factors Light intensity: Light meter is held with sensor panel pointed towards source to be measured Reading is taken when pointer stops moving Possible errors Casting a shadow over meter while taking reading. Changing weather such as cloud cover. All measurements should be taken at same time of day.
Measuring abiotic factors Soil moisture: Ensure probe of moisture meter is pushed fully into soil. Reading taken when pointer stops moving. Possible errors: Probe not dry at start. Probe should be wiped before every use.
Measuring abiotic factors pH: Ensure probe of moisture meter is pushed fully into soil. Reading taken when pointer stops moving. Take a soil sample, make a solution and use a chemical test. Possible errors: Probe not dry at start. Probe should be wiped before every use. Contamination of samples.
Measuring abiotic factors Soil temperature: Ensure thermometer or temperature probe is pushed fully into soil. Reading taken when level stops moving. Possible errors: Thermometer is not left in the soil for long enough. Leave in the ground for two minutes before taking reading. Do not remove from the ground when taking the reading.
Measuring Abiotic Factors Take one piece of A4 paper and fold it in half twice: Light Intensity Describe how to use the light meter. Describe any sources of error and how you would prevent this. Add a diagram if you can Temperature Describe how to use the thermometer/temperature probe Describe any sources of error and how you would prevent this. Add a diagram if you can Soil pH Describe how to use the pH meter/chemical test. Describe any sources of error and how you would prevent this. Add a diagram if you can Soil Moisture Describe how to use the moisture meter. Describe any sources of error and how you would prevent this. Add a diagram if you can
The effect of abiotic factors on the distribution of organisms. Organisms can only survive in an ecosystem if certain abiotic factors suited to their needs are present there. This affects the distribution of organisms in any ecosystem. For example: Daisies only grow in areas of high light intensity so they can carry out photosynthesis, therefore they are found in open areas and not in the shade of larger plants eg. Trees. Think: Can you think of any other examples? Pair: Compare your ideas with a partner. Share: Share your thoughts with another pair and be ready to feedback your best example.
Biotic and Abiotic Factors Appropriate Clip art to topic Biotic and Abiotic Factors Learning Intention: Measurement of biotic and abiotic factors. Success Criteria: Give examples biotic and abiotic factors. Measure abiotic factors (light intensity, temperature, pH and soil moisture). Explain why abiotic factors affect distribution of organisms in an ecosystem.
Starter Activity: In the back of your notebook answer the following: How would you measure the following: Light Intensity? Soil moisture? Soil temperature? Air temperature? Surface temperature? Soil pH?
Biotic and Abiotic Factors Appropriate Clip art to topic Biotic and Abiotic Factors Learning Intention: Measurement of biotic and abiotic factors. Success Criteria: Measure abiotic factors (light intensity, temperature, pH and soil moisture).
Measuring abiotic factors in the school grounds: Choose five sample sites spread out across the above area. Record each abiotic reading three times and record your results in a suitable table.
Measuring abiotic factors in the school grounds: Don’t forget your UNITS of measurement!!
Analysis of Results Results analysis: Present your data in a suitable graph(s). Sketch the sample area into your notebook and highlight your five sample sites. Use your observations from the sample sites to compare the abiotic factors and the distribution of living organisms. Did you see anything other than grass? Why/why not?
Biotic and Abiotic Factors Appropriate Clip art to topic Biotic and Abiotic Factors Learning Intention: Measurement of biotic and abiotic factors. Success Criteria: Measure abiotic factors (light intensity, temperature, pH and soil moisture).