Outlines Project Overview Action Items Project Plan Architecture Design Sequence Diagrams Database Test Plan Formal Requirements Specification Demo Questions Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Project Overview Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University Goal: To develop an application for tracking mobile devices which came with GPS functionality with it. Motivation: The motivation of developing this project has been my desire of learning more about Mobile programming technology. Moreover, I want to apply what I learned about development lifecycle.
Project Overview (Cont.) Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Action Items Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University Action Items from the last presentation. Users have the ability to update his information including devices description, some of the tracking options, and his username and password. Database created to store the location information which should be added by the GPS device. Project Plan – Cost Estimate Approximately 167 total hours (Phase 1 & Phase 2) 20 hours research 43 hours documentation
Action Items (Cont.) Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University 28 hours design 76 hours coding 500 SLOC 20% of implemented features 6 Documents
Action Items (Cont.) Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University Productivity 500 SLOC / 76 hours = 6.57 SLOC/hour 6 Documents / 43 hours = 0.13 Docs/hour Remaining Work 500 SLOC / 0.2 = 2500 SLOC (estimated total) 4 Documents
Action Items (Cont.) Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University Remaining Effort 2000 SLOC / (6.57 SLOC/hour) = 304 hours or 38 days (8 hours per day) 30 hours for documentation (4/0.13) = 7 days (4 hours per day)
Project Plan Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University Deliverables for Presentation 3 Action Items (documentation) User Manual (documentation) Component Design (documentation) Assessment Evaluation (testing) Project Evaluation (documentation) References (documentation) Technical Inspection Letters (documentation
Architecture Design Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University The Architecture Design for the client application is based on a two-tier architecture which contains of 1- Presentation and Business Tier 2- Data Tier. Data Tier MySQL Database Presentation and Business Tier JAVA J2ME
Architecture Design (Cont.) Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University The Architecture Design for the web application is based on a three-tier architecture which contains of three logic tiers: 1- Presentation 2- Business 3- Data. Data Tier MySQL Server Business Tier JSP ScriptsPHP Classes Presintation Tier PHP files
Sequence Diagrams - Login Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Sequence Diagrams - Display Maps Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Database Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University FieldType Description LastUpdatetimestamp The time where a point have been recorded. Latitudedecimal(10,6) To provide the Latitude of the point Longitudedecimal(10,6) To provide the Longitude of the point phoneNumbervarchar(20) To provide the phone number which work as the user ID sessionIDvarchar(25) To provide the session where the user start recording his location (enable tracking function) speedint(10) The average speed of the device moves from the beginning of a session until a specific point directionint(10) The direction of the user moves from the beginning of a session specific point based on the Map. distanceint(10) The distance of the user moves from the beginning of a session until a specific point. LocationMethodvarchar(100) Cell phones have two ways of getting the location. The first one is from satellites. Sometimes a cell phone may not be able to get a fix on satellites but certain phones can get a location using the location of the nearest cell phone tower. extraInfovarchar(255) TBD
Test Plan - Type of testing Type of testing Performance Testing (Server Load Testing): ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Test Plan - Test cases Test CaseActionResult T.1.1Track Connected Devices The device has a record in the database and the record is correct. Information about the connected devices and links that takes the user to more details and statistics about the devise position. T.1.2Track Connected DevicesThe device has a record in the database and the record is not correct. Generate Error Message. Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Test Plan - Test cases Test CaseActionResult T.2.1Signup The required information is complete On successful signup the user will be given the message “Account Successfully Created “ and will be able to login using this information. T.2.2SignupThe required information is not complete Generate Error Message. Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Test Plan - Test cases Test CaseActionResult T.3.1Managing Accounts The required information is complete When the user successfully does some changes he will see “Update Successful” statement. T.3.2Managing AccountsThe user delete some required information while editing his account information such as the password Generate Error Message. Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Test Plan - Test cases Test CaseActionResult T.4.1Register Device The required information is complete when the user successfully adds the device he will see “New Device Added Successfully” statement T.4.2Register DeviceThe required information is not complete Generate Error Message. Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Test Plan - Test cases Test CaseActionResult T.5.1View Statistics The user select a device and click View Statistics link Some statistics displayed about the user position such as the average speed of the device movements, the path of the device moves and how many miles that device moved. T.5.2View StatisticsThe user did not select a device and click View Statistics link Generate Error Message. Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Test Plan - Test cases Test CaseActionResult T.6.1 Login The username and the password match. If the username and password match the login would be successful and the user will see a list of connected devices under his account. T.6.2Login The username and password do not match. Generate Error Message stating incorrect password, and asking the user to re- enter password. Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Formal Requirements Specification -- Each device belong to one user association UserDevice between Device[1..*] role theDevice User[1] role theUser end Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Formal Requirements Specification --Device have unique ID context Device inv uniqueDevID: Device.allInstances->forAll(d1,d2 | d1<>d2 implies d1.ID<>d2.ID) Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Formal Requirements Specification -- Each user have unique userName context User inv uniqueUserName: User.allInstances->forAll(u1,u2 | u1<>u2 implies u1.userName<>u2.userName) Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Demo Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University
Questions Department of Computing and Information Sciences - Kansas State University