Erasmus Mundus: action 2 University of Antwerp
1 EM(ECW) - UA Since 2009: -LOT 14: China (Co-ordinator) – CONNEC -LOT 16 : Argentina (Partner) – EADIC -LOT 20: Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador (Partner) – EMUNDUS20 More information:
2 CONNEC Call 2009 EMECW: LOT 14: China CONNEC: Connecting Europe and China through interuniversity exchange Total period: 48 months (until august 2013) Budget: EUR 210 scholarships More information:
3 CONNEC Consortium 1 & 8: UA & UAMS 2: University of Bologna 3: University of Iceland 4: Masaryk University 5: University of Graz 6: University of Ljubljana 7: University Complutense de Madrid
4 CONNEC Consortium 1 & 2: Xi’an -Northwest University -Xi’an Technological University 3 & 4: Beijing -Beijing Forestry University -Graduate School CASS 5: Chongqing -Chongqing University 6 & 7: Wuhan -Huazhong Normal University -Huazhong University of Science & Technology
5 CONNEC Consortium Associates -Province of Antwerp (representative in Beijing) -Province of Shaanxi -NGO Morning Tears -Asociacion Salmantina de Agricultura de Montaña
6 Fields of study Agricultural Sciences Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning Business Studies and Management Sciences Education and Teacher Training Engineering and Technology Geography and Geology Law Medical Sciences Natural Sciences Social Sciences
7 Mobility Total: 210 scholarships -175 China Europe -35 Europa China Target Group 1 China Europa Total: 120 scholarships LevelAmountDuration Bachelor206 or 10 months Master306, 10 or 22 months PhD3010 or 34 months Postdoc206 or 10 months Staff201 to 3 months
8 Mobility Target group 2 China Europe Total: 50 scholarships LevelAmountDuration Master206, 10 or 22 months PhD1710 or 34 months Postdoc136 or 10 months
9 Mobility Target group 3 China Europe Total: 5 scholarships LevelAmountDuration Bachelor134 months Master122 months PhD234 months Postdoc110 months
10 Mobility Target group 1 Europe China -6 bachelors: 6 months -9 masters: 6 or 10 months -6 PhDs: 9 or 12 months -4 post-docs: 10 months -10 staff: 1, 2 or 3 months Total: 35 scholarships
Basileus project - International Relations Office 11 Management – Organisational chart Project management team (University of Antwerp) Steering Committee (1 representative per institution) Executive Board (Project coordinator + 2 EU + 2 China) Local management/mobility team ( 2 p per institution)
12 Partnership agreement (MOU) “Principles of good partnership” Communication and promotion Management Budget Application and selection procedure Responsabilities co-ordinator/partner Responsabilities sending and hosting institutions Academic recognition ….
13 Communication & Promotion Connec logo, posters, brochure Website, mailings Higher Education Fair Beijing UA: information sessions, mailings, blackboard Partners: information sessions,… Associates
14 Application procedure Online application database (E-consort) -2 destinations Documents -Transcripts and diploma(s) -Certificate of English Knowledge -Motivation -Letter of recommendation -+ additional documents depending on the target group (ex. CV, list of publications) PhDs and postdocs: vacancies 2 deadlines: November 10th February 1st Effectively submitted: round 1: 185 -Effectively submitted: round 2: 265
15 Selection (procedure) Step 1: eligibility check by home university (TG 1) Step 2: evaluation on level of programme/promotor host university Step 3: evaluation on level of host university Step 4: final selection on level of consortium Connec Consortium Selection Commission President research council UA 2 Chinese representatives (CASS & Chongqing University) 2 European representatives (Madrid & Masaryk University)
16 Selection (results – round 1) China->EU ->China 36PHD14 (10 m) 22 (34 m) 6BA6 (6m) 13Post- Doc 11 (10 m) 2 (6 m) 8MA5 (6m) 3 (10m) 17Staff1-3 m4PHD2 (9m) 2 (12m) 6Staff1-3 m
17 Mobility 1 st flows: ’09-’10: February 2010 Co-ordinator: -Group insurance -Agreement travel agency Beijing -Administrative & academic formalities scholars “Scholarship statement” Contract ECTS documents: examples of good practice
18 CONNEC Summerschool Summerschool Augustus 30th – September 10th Chinese CONNEC students: UA, Ljubljana & Graz -Theme: “European Identity and Society -English language courses + lectures -Site visits: European Parliament, Port of Antwerp,… -Cultural programme
19 Contact University of Antwerp International relations office Gratiekapelstraat Antwerp Project co-ordinator : Anouk De Weerdt – Project assistant: Hanne De Wachter -