Level 2 NVQ Health and Social Care Award Principles of Good Practice
Is this you? You do mostly routine tasks. You provide more direct, hands-on support to individuals. You are directly supervised most of the time you are working. You are working as a care worker. You report changes to a more senior member of the team.
Demonstrate practical competence at NVQ Level 2 Provide direct health and care support to individuals. Provide support to individuals doing everyday activities. Work as part of a team. Report to more senior members of the team. Seek advice from senior workers when asked to perform non-routine tasks.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding at NVQ Level 2 Be able to describe what to do as well as how and when to do something. Be able to explain what changes to look for and to whom you report them. Be able to describe what action to take until further advice can be sought from a more senior worker. Be able to understand what might happen. Be able to answer when asked ‘what if’ questions. If, during the assessment and care planning process, you are asked a question about why it is important to involve the individual and the key people in their lives, your answer should demonstrate your understanding of the concept of empowerment, the importance and benefits of inclusion and cooperation as well as the reasons why it is important for you to promote the individual’s rights and choices. To consider the benefits of inclusion and cooperation, you will need to consider the options. You need to weigh up the value of including the individual and excluding them. Then consider how each option might affect the individual achieving their desired outcomes. This will lead you to a conclusion about which option is likely to achieve the desired results, hence making it the preferred option.
Develop your practice You will be expected to reflect on your work and use supervision, appraisal and self-reflection to develop your knowledge, skills and practice. Supervision, appraisal and self-reflection will help you to consider other ways of doing something. Supervision, appraisal and self-reflection will help you think about what changes you need to make to your practice. Contribute to your personal development plan and identify areas for development.
Principles of effective care practice An individual has a right to be: respected treated equally and not discriminated against treated as an individual treated in a dignified way given privacy protected from danger and harm cared for in a way that meets their needs and takes account of their choices able to access information about themselves able to communicate using their preferred language and communication methods. Emphasise that learners working at this level have a responsibility to actively promote individual rights and to be aware that these rights apply to all people, including other workers.