RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES AT SCHOOL RIGHTS Safe Environment Capable teachers Respectful treatment Protection from aggression (verbal & physical) Access to a counselor Equipment that is well functioning RESPONSIBILITIES Respect teachers & peers Not to interfere with learning of others Listen when others are speaking To do homework Not to be aggressive with others Clean up after yourself Report unsafe equipment Report potential accidents Wear protective clothing when required
* Safe working environment * Must pay attention to health & safety training WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training * Must pay attention to health & safety training WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Well maintained & functioning personal protective equipment Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Well maintained & functioning personal protective equipment Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures Must ask questions when information is unclear WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Well maintained & functioning personal protective equipment Right to refuse work that may endanger worker’s safety or health Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures Must ask questions when information is unclear WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Well maintained & functioning personal protective equipment Right to refuse work that may endanger worker’s safety or health Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures Must ask questions when information is unclear Must always wear personal protective equipment in good condition WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Well maintained & functioning personal protective equipment Right to refuse work that may endanger worker’s safety or health Right to participate in workplace health & safety committees and activities Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures Must ask questions when information is unclear Must always wear personal protective equipment in good condition WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Well maintained & functioning personal protective equipment Right to refuse work that may endanger worker’s safety or health Right to participate in workplace health & safety committees and activities Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures Must ask questions when information is unclear Must always wear personal protective equipment in good condition Must use equipment properly WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Well maintained & functioning personal protective equipment Right to refuse work that may endanger worker’s safety or health Right to participate in workplace health & safety committees and activities Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures Must ask questions when information is unclear Must always wear personal protective equipment in good condition Must use equipment properly Must be familiar with emergency procedures etc. WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Well maintained & functioning personal protective equipment Right to refuse work that may endanger worker’s safety or health Right to participate in workplace health & safety committees and activities Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures Must ask questions when information is unclear Must always wear personal protective equipment in good condition Must use equipment properly Must be familiar with emergency procedures etc. Must report any hazards on the job WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
Safe working environment Proper health & safety information, instruction, & training Well maintained & functioning personal protective equipment Right to refuse work that may endanger worker’s safety or health Right to participate in workplace health & safety committees and activities Must pay attention to health & safety training Must follow all heath and safety procedures Must ask questions when information is unclear Must always wear personal protective equipment in good condition Must use equipment properly Must be familiar with emergency procedures etc. Must report any hazards on the job Refuse to do any work that might be unsafe WORKER RIGHTSWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training * Provide health & safety training to all workers EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training *Expect workers to remember their training and follow health and safety rules * Provide health & safety training to all workers EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training *Expect workers to remember their training and follow health and safety rules Provide health & safety training to all workers Must provide specific health and safety training to all new & young workers EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training *Expect workers to remember their training and follow health and safety rules * Expect workers to report any hazards Provide health & safety training to all workers Must provide specific health and safety training to all new & young workers EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training *Expect workers to remember their training and follow health and safety rules * Expect workers to report any hazards Provide health & safety training to all workers Must provide specific health and safety training to all new & young workers Develop a workplace health & safety policy EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training *Expect workers to remember their training and follow health and safety rules Expect workers to report any hazards Expect workers to wear personal protective equipment at all times Provide health & safety training to all workers Must provide specific health and safety training to all new & young workers Develop a workplace health & safety policy EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training *Expect workers to remember their training and follow health and safety rules Expect workers to report any hazards Expect workers to wear personal protective equipment at all times Provide health & safety training to all workers Must provide specific health and safety training to all new & young workers Develop a workplace health & safety policy Display health & safety info to workers EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training *Expect workers to remember their training and follow health and safety rules Expect workers to report any hazards Expect workers to wear personal protective equipment at all times Expect workers to inform them about any conditions that may prevent them from doing jobs safetyly Provide health & safety training to all workers Must provide specific health and safety training to all new & young workers Develop a workplace health & safety policy Display health & safety info to workers EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
*Expect workers to pay attention during health & safety training *Expect workers to remember their training and follow health and safety rules Expect workers to report any hazards Expect workers to wear personal protective equipment at all times Expect workers to inform them about any conditions that may prevent them from doing jobs safetyly Provide health & safety training to all workers Must provide specific health and safety training to all new & young workers Develop a workplace health & safety policy Display health & safety info to workers Provide well maintained & properly working personal protective equipment Alert workers to any hazards & provide info on how to reduce risks EMPLOYER RIGHTSEMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES
For the following scenarios determine the supervisors’ responsibilities and the employees responsibilities
HAZARD RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES A new employee at a fast food restaurant is asked to mop the floor and take out the garbage at the end of the night.
HAZARD RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES The safety guard on the meat slicer has been broken for over a week at a small family owned deli.
HAZARD RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES An employee hurt his back getting a new case of motor oil down from a ladder from a high storage shelf.
HAZARD RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES A small independent corner store covers its windows with advertising posters and the security camera doesn’t work and the night worker is a young teenager working on their own.