Useful Fitness Equipment By: Nicholas Bono
To provide the necessary tools to optimally enhance an individuals health and fitness levels. Therefore, improving overall wellness and physical capabilities. Goal
Throughout the years the desire to achieve an ideal physique has become a priority to our society. For example, over 100 million Americans are participating in various forms of physical activities in order to achieve the “ideal body”. Fitness Equipment
There are a multitude of fitness programs, equipment, instructional DVD’s, and software programs that assist in achieving an individual’s fitness goals. These tools can vary in price. Starting at $25.00 or costing as much as $ Fitness Equipment
TRX Bands are multi-functional fitness equipment. They allow an individual to train the various muscle groups of the body. The TRX Bundle includes portable anchor systems, highly durable bands that resist wear and tear, and an instructional DVD. TRX Bands
Finally, the TRX Band instructional DVD provides daily exercise regimens. Cost: $ Source: TRX. comTRX. com TRX Bands Continued
Cardiovascular equipment that provides pain free range of motion. Activates the muscles of the entire body. Offers variable resistance levels and appeals to all fitness advocates. Elliptical
Furthermore, the elliptical monitors heart rate and calculates calorie expenditure. Cost: Anywhere from $300-$ Source: Elliptical Continued
Innovative technology that gives the individual the opportunity to calculate body mass index. It’s simple and easy to use. Gives an individual the chance to track their progress in achieving their fitness goals. Body Fat Analyzer
Makes planning a diet and exercise routine easier. Cost: $30.00 Source: Body Fat Analyzer Continued
Allows you to monitor heart rate effectively in order to: Achieve optimal cardiovascular fitness Lose Weight Maintain current health Heart Rate Monitor
Can potentially help with the identification of cardiovascular related conditions. Cost: $100-$ Source: Heart Rate Monitor Continued
Allows an individual to monitor the functions of the heart. Plots and graphs current blood pressure status through electrodes and USB cable. Cost: $24.99 Source: Blood Pressure Analyzer
Through the use of these various fitness tools, one can ultimately achieve their health and fitness goals. They are all simple and appeal to the interests of many. Furthermore, the use of any or all of these tools has been proven to dramatically increase the fitness levels of many individuals. Benefits
Many of these products should be used on a consistent basis to truly get the best results. Although these tools are simple to use, I strongly advise working at your own pace when using any of the equipment. Monitoring your pulse and blood pressure will assist your overall wellness. Useful Advice
With the increasing desire to be physically fit, I find that using these tools will improve the health of our society. Furthermore, the usage of this equipment can lead to the successful transition from an unhealthy to healthy lifestyle. Conclusion