facebook 14 th Dalai Lama is preparing to Give a moving speech WallPhotosFlairBoxes14 th Dalai LamaLogout View photos of Dalai Lama (5) Send Dalai Lama a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Tibet. Birthday: July 6, 1935 Political: other Religion: Buddhist Hometown: Tengster, Amdo Friends Thubten LingTrijang HeinrichPema 14 th Dalai Lama is preparing to give a moving speech October 7, 2001 Robert 14 th Dalai Lama Human happiness and human satisfaction must ultimately come from within oneself October 1, th Dalai Lama I believe that in the 20th century, humanity has learned from many, many experiences. Some positive, and many negative November 12, th Dalai Lama I feel that the essence of spiritual practice is your attitude toward others October 28, th dalai Lama My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness September 9, th Dalai Lama I am a simple Buddhist, nothing more, nothing less September 19, 1981
Personal Information facebook 14 th Dalai Lama is preparing to give a moving speech WallPhotosFlairBoxes14 th Dalai LamaLogout View photos of Dalai Lama (5) Send Dalai Lama a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Tibet Birthday: July 6, 1935 Political: other Religion: Buddhist Hometown: Tengster, Amdo Photos Networks: Tibet Sex: Male Birthday: May 29, 1917 Hometown: Takster, Amdo Relationship Status: Married to Buddhism Political Views: other Religious Views: Buddhism Activities: Promoting peace, Giving speeches, and meditation Interests: Buddhism, Being a vegetarian, peace Favorite Music: classical Favorite Movies: Seven years in Tibet, Gandhi, Kundun Favorite TV Shows: National geographic, discovery channel Favorite Books: Civil disobedience, The art of happiness Speeches Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Tibet Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: Unknown Phone Number: None
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxes14 th Dalai LamaLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Dalai Lama 7 Photos Dalai Lama’s Albums 2 Photo Alums Speeches 5 photos Tibet 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo 14 th Dalai Lama is preparing to give a moving speech. 1.