Market Watchdog ™ Intelligent Retail Measurement
Supplier Products The Scene Sales Data Retailer Market Research Company Market Research
The Need Market research has become Tactical Suppliers need to know "Why", not just "What" - ASAP Currently available IT can only provide "What" - finding "Why" is still too time-consuming and expensive
What Is Market Watchdog ™ A software system that continuously scans retail data (POS, Census, etc.), identifies market trends, analyses them and provides clients with actionable findings – what caused the trend, where did it occur, how is the competition doing, etc. Market Watchdog™ automates sophisticated analysis methods that until now could be executed only by knowledgeable people Separating the wheat from the chaff, instead of lengthy reports - Market Watchdog™ provides the bottom line
Market Watchdog ™ Features Identifies market trends – in sales, market share, price, distribution level Finds the causes of the trends using multi-level product categories drill down and market breakdown, including global trends, competition, and price Competitors are found and analyzed at every level (supplier, brand, segment, etc.) Flexible time base – from days and weeks, all the way to years All analysis parameters can be defined by the client Automatic report generation in diversified formats – HTML, XML, PDF, etc.
How Does Market Watchdog ™ Work Point Of Sale Census Database Market Watchdog Alerts Periodical Analysis Special Analysis Transactions Data
Getting Actionable Findings - Currently Retail Database Bottom Line Management Analysts OLAP $ Market Research Provider Client Retail Database Bottom Line Reports Analysts Management $ Manual – Costly and time consuming
Shortcomings Of The Manual Process Lengthy and expensive limited frequency – strategic only, impractical for routine service Tends to be biased Tends to miss a lot
The Impracticality Of Programming The market is a highly complex environment that is rapidly changing in unpredictable ways Programming, by its nature, is practical only in static, pre-defined environment This leaves 2 options : 1. One-size-fits-all system, which is never the case 2. Customized or inhouse system - very expensive to build and maintain, way beyond the reach of all but a few
Tupai’s groundbreaking technology, Active Knowledge Networks, combines knowledge and intuition similarly to a knowledgeable analyst The technology excels in highly complex dynamic environments The Technology Behind Market Watchdog ™ Calculate Simulate Alert Control Learn It allows assembling systems that take the form of the mental models people use, and that operate in much the same way -
Market Watchdog ™ – A New Paradigm Retail Database Bottom Line Management Market Watchdog $$$ Market Research Provider Client Retail Database Bottom Line Management Analysts OLAP $ Fully Automatic
Market Watchdog ™ Advantages Faster and cheaper. Virtually no marginal cost. Unlimited frequency – both strategic and tactical Unbiased Comprehensive - everything is covered
Market Watchdog ™ - The Process Market Watchdog XML Retail Database Clean and filter retail data Intelligent Correlation Finding Produce customized reports, each manager gets what he needs Identify and explore trends Create overall findings XML hierarchy Dispatch reports Report A Report B Report C
Using Market Watchdog ™ Fast and easy setup – no programming required Unprecedented flexibility – customized services can be provided at a fraction of the cost and time required now Unlimited scalability – any data, information and knowledge can be combined and extend the system Non-intrusive – does not require a change in the existing IT systems
Market Watchdog ™ Win-Win Paradigm The Market Research provider can extend its offerings and increase its competitiveness by making a better use of its market information assets The client can get a better market insight in an actionable form, cheaper and more frequently, which can improve its business performance while reducing costs
Market Watchdog ™ Sample Report Sample reports Individual supplier All suppliers