Multiple Framework Targeting
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CSS Task Panes
WAP and Class Libraries in Express Edition
Multiple Control Selection
JScript Formatting
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IntelliSense Update Times for Popular Libraries Time in Milliseconds on Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz Machine 11.7s 2x 5x 4x 3x 4x 6x
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Web Deployment w/ VS10 Dev Environment Server Environment MS DEPLOY
Web.Config Transformation Recap TransformDescription xdt:Transform=“Replace”Replaces the first matched node xdt:Transform=“Remove”Removes the first matched node xdt:Transform=“RemoveAll”Removes all the matching nodes xdt:Transform=“Insert”Inserts the node at the end xdt:Transform=“SetAttributes(attributeNam es)” Creates or changes values of the existing attributes xdt:Transform=“RemoveAttributes(attribute Names)” Removes the attributes if they exist xdt:Transform=“InsertBefore(XPath)”Inserts the node on the provided Xpath xdt:Transform=“InsertAfter(XPath)”Inserts the node on the provided XPath
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