3 types of volcanoes! What are they?
Volcano A cone which is formed above and around a vent by layering erupted volcanic material like lava, ash and cinders. A vent is… An opening in the earth’s crust surface through which volcanic materials are released
Mount St. Helen’s, Mt. Vesuvius Stratovolcano or Composite volcano Violent eruptions when plugged with thick magma (Viscosity: high, Gas: high) Ash, cinder and lava are blown out of the volcano These form the layers from which it is made.
Mount St. Helen’s
Hawaiian Islands, Mauna Loa Shield volcano Largest volcano of the 3 Continuingly active Has gentle slopes Viscosity: Low Gas: Low Layers are made from cooled lava
Paricutin, Stromboli Cinder cone volcano Smallest of the 3 types Steep sides and large bowl shaped crater Ash and cinder form its layers Viscosity: medium/low Gas: medium/high
Vocabulary for Word Walls See Lesson 7
Volcano chant example: Before the volcano erupts without a doubt You have got to go Or the pyroclastic flow Will cover and burn. You, you, you. With a gaseous, super heated cloud, Everything in its path it will shroud While moving at 800km/hour No time to cower. Cower. Cower. Ash and cinder will rain down This stratovolcano eruption could wipe out the town! Another Pompeii? Not today! Mt. Vesuvius… can try to test, But I’ll listen to the vulcanologists Pack my bags and move away! How many volcano vocabulary words did I use? What is it about?