Five tribes from the Southwest: Apache, Hopi, Navajo, Pueblo and Zuni Lived in what is now Arizona, New Mexico, Southern Colorado, and the Northern part of Mexico. Most Indians lived in villages and farming was there main source of food.
Southwestern Indians made many things by hand like pottery, baskets, and clothing There pottery was for display and everyday life They are very spiritual tribes so most of their art contained symbols and signs of their beliefs
The naming of a new born baby is so important that it was not done by the parents but by relatives and tribe leaders Babies were strapped to there mothers backs for the first couple years of life Hopi babies are not named until 20 days after they are born
Girls learned how to cook, make baskets, and sew Young boys learned how to make weapons and hunt
They wove cotton into cloth and made light weight clothing. They also made boots and sandals from leather
Built houses from clay and straw They were built in many layers. Some as big as eight stories They used ladders to get from one story to another In case of an attack, they would raise the ladders
One of the most famous Indians from the Southwest was Apache Cochise Cochise and his crew fought a bloody war with the U.S federal troops He finally surrendered in 1812 From 1849 to 1886 the Apache Indians fought a series of battles against the U.S government which is called the Apache Wars