The Desert Southwest Indians
The Pueblo Peoples Tribes like the Hopi are grouped as “The Pueblo Peoples” because most of these people lived in pueblos. Pueblos were made of adobe (mix of clay and sand), or stone and mud. The homes were only used for sleeping or bad weather shelter– all other activities were usually done outside.
Southwest Agriculture Corn was the main food of the Hopi Tribe (beans and squash were important too) The Hopi also grew cotton to make blankets and clothes. Cotton needs hot weather in order to grow! Water for these crops either came from rain (barely any!) or irrigation. Men worked in the crops, women ground corn into meal.
The Hopi people believed in gods of the sun, rain and Earth. The Hopi Culture The Hopi people believed in gods of the sun, rain and Earth. Spirits called kachinas were an important part of their religion. The Hopis believed kachinas visit the living once a year and enter the bodies of kachina dancers (men from the tribe all dressed up).