Titan Blaster #4 Using your textbook (Chapter 5), find five geographical things that the US and Canada share.
An Introduction to the US and Canada Spanish once controlled all of Florida and lands from Texas across to California.
An Introduction to the US and Canada Historical Overview The history of the USA and Canada have always been closely tied economically and culturally.
An Introduction to the US and Canada Historical Overview In 1845, Texas was annexed or to be added to something into the US. That event started the Mexican War. When Mexico lost the war, it ceded or gave away California and much of the southwest to the US.
An Introduction to the US and Canada Historical Overview In 1845, Texas was annexed or to be added to something into the US. That event started the Mexican War. When Mexico lost the war, it ceded or gave away California and much of the southwest to the US.
An Introduction to the US and Canada Historical Overview In 1860, the United States had a Civil War in which opposing groups from the same country fought each other.
An Introduction to the US and Canada Historical Overview The Industrial Revolution introduced power-driven machinery that enabled people to mass produce goods.
An Introduction to the US and Canada Historical Overview
The Rocky Mountains form the continental divide, a boundary that separates the flow of water towards the two oceans. All rivers west of the Rockies flows to the Pacific Ocean. All rivers east of the Rockies flow to the Atlantic Ocean. A drainage basin is an area of land that is drained by a major river. A tributary is a river or stream that carries water to a major river. Physical Characteristics of the US and Canada
A striation is a series of scratch marks usually caused by glacier movement. Physical Characteristics of the US and Canada
An Introduction to the US and Canada
State and capital quiz on The South and The Midwest on Tuesday. State and capital quiz on The West and The Northeast on day Thursday. The test will be matching for states and capitals.
Today’s work: 1.Label the US map with state names and capitals. 2.Draw and label a political map of the US and Canada. The specific instructions are found on page Draw and label a physical map of the US and Canada. The specific instructions are found on page 129. Failing to make a key is a ten point deduction. Using no color is also a ten point deduction. 4.Page 126 #2-3 and page 128 #2-3. An Introduction to the US and Canada
Key for your two quizzes
State Capital State Capital Alabama=MontgomeryIllinois=Springfield Alaska=JuneauIndiana=Indianapolis Arizona=PhoenixIowa=Des Moines Arkansas=Little RockKansas=Topeka California=SacramentoKentucky=Frankfort Colorado=DenverLouisiana=Baton Rouge Connecticut=HartfordMaine=Augusta Delaware=DoverMaryland=Annapolis Florida=TallahasseeMassachusetts=Boston Georgia=AtlantaMichigan=Lansing Hawaii=HonoluluMinnesota=Saint Paul Idaho=BoiseMississippi=Jackson The 50 States and Capitals
State Capital State Capital Missouri=Jefferson CityPennsylvania=Harrisburg Montana=HelenaRhode Island=Providence Nebraska=LincolnSouth Carolina=Columbia Nevada=Carson CitySouth Dakota=Pierre New Hampshire=ConcordTennessee=Nashville New Jersey=TrentonTexas=Austin New Mexico=Santa FeUtah=Salt Lake City New York=AlbanyVermont=Montpelier North Carolina=RaleighVirginia=Richmond North Dakota=BismarckWashington=Olympia Ohio=ColumbusWest Virginia=Charleston Oklahoma=Oklahoma CityWisconsin=Madison Oregon=SalemWyoming=Cheyenne
Titan Blaster #5 – Turn in 1.Where are petroleum resources concentrated in the USA? 2.Locate the area in the southwestern United States that shows little or no economic activity. Why do you think there is little economic activity in this region? 3.Which area of the USA contains tundra? 4.What are the two largest metro areas in North America? Use common sense and your textbook in Chapter 5:
Three things affect climate in the US and Canada: 1.Latitude 2.Elevation 3.Distance from the oceans The US and Canada: Climate Why is Canada colder than the USA?
The rain shadow is an area of reduced rainfall on the leeward (inland) side of a mountain. The US and Canada: Climate
The US and Canada: People & Cultures Literacy is the ability to read and write. There are over 275 million people in the USA. There are only 31 million Canadians. Each country has a high literacy rate. A measurement based on available education, housing, health care and nutrition is called the standard of living.
Canada is a world leader in energy production. Canada uses more electricity per capita than the US. Per capita = per person. Canada exports more energy than it imports. The USA is its biggest buyer. The US and Canada: Energy Brother, can you spare a kilowatt?
Today’s work: Each page of your Chapter 5 handout packet I gave you has a few questions on it. Work each question that does not involve defining key terms. Complete the worksheet given. 1.These are due today. The US and Canada