The Liturgical Year
The Liturgical Year begins the first Sunday of Advent Advent is a time when we prepare for Jesus’ coming. It is 4 weeks long PURPLE is a color of contrition - worn to show sorrow for our sins
Symbols of Advent Jesse Tree – shows the family history of Jesus, Jesse was the father of King David, the first person in the geneology of Jesus. Advent Wreath – 3 purple, 1 pink (joy) The pink candle is lit during the 3rd week
The Christmas Season During the Christmas Season we welcome Christ into our hearts The Christmas season begins on Christmas Eve, and ends on the Baptism of our Lord The Epiphany is Jan 6. when the Magi visit Baby Jesus. Color is white for glory and innocence 173 in text
Ordinary Time The time of year between Christmas season and Lent and the time in the summer and fall from Pentecost to the Feast of Christ the King Christ the King Sunday is the last Sunday before Advent Color worn in ordinary time is green (hope, growth, life) Ordinary means ordinal which means counted time Time for us to hear scripture and live out the message of the Gospel
Sunday The Lord’s day is the day on which we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. We go to Mass on this special day to give praise and thanks to God. It is the heart of the Church’s life.
Lent Ash Wednesday – beginning of Lent We get ashes on our foreheads as a symbol of repentance. They remind us we need God, his mercy and forgiveness. Lent ends at the Mass of the Lords Supper on Holy Thursday 175
The Paschal Candle See page 175 of text Used at every Baptism and funeral Mass Draw a Paschal Candle on your notes Alpha and Omega is another name for Christ
Holy Week Easter is the holiest and most important day of the year Holy Week begins with Passion or Palm Sunday During Holy Week we prepare for Easter by remembering the things that happened before Jesus’ death The Easter Tridium – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday 177 in text
Easter Season The color of the Easter Season is white The Easter season last from Easter Sunday until Pentecost Ascension Thursday – 40 days after Easter, when Jesus went back up to Heaven Pentecost – is 50 days after Easter, when the Holy Spirit came upon Mary and the apostles. On Pentecost priests wear red.
Easter Sunday We celebrate Jesus rising from the dead Liturgical color is white John 20:19-23 – page 179
Other Celebrations Trinity Sunday – Sunday after Pentecost Honors the 3 persons in the Blessed Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) Corpus Christi – Sunday after Trinity Sunday. Corpus Christi means Body of Christ – honor the Eucharist Solemnity of the Sacred Heart – Friday after the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost Shows us how he loves and suffered for us
Holy Days of Obligation In the United States, there are 6 holydays: you must attend Mass on these days 1. Mary, Mother of God, January 1 2. Ascension Thursday (40 days after Easter) 3. Assumption, August 15 4. All Saints, November 1 5. Immaculate Conception, December 8 6. Christmas, December 25