Ear Training Application In the music class room
The importance of Ear Training “Ability to hear is the essence of music, the core of education in music is ear training.” – Herbert Spencer “The effectiveness of music appreciation is directly dependent upon a knowledge of music.” – Herbert Spencer “Developmental psychology studies have already shown substantive individual benefits of music.” – Jose Cuesta Many times students are listening to music, but don’t understand the basic elements and how they are put together. This is why ear training is essential.
Ear Training Apps Use in class as a whole, then transition to individual use on iPads. Work in groups at different stations Team competition Partner work What to find: Easy to use (so little training is necessary) Easy level for middle and high school students Relevant information
EarBeater Consists of lessons under main topics. Each lesson contains vocabulary applicable to the lesson. Lessons can be modified by the main user or original lessons can be made. Keeps track of progress in all lessons. Costs $7.99 ~ iPads must be available The main topics include interval size, specific interval, chords, chord inversions, and scales. See how it works
EarBeater Interval Size Plays two separate intervals, user identifies which one was larger and which one was smaller. After the answer is chosen, the notes are displayed on the keyboard and staff. Certain intervals are drilled within a specific lesson, and you can choose which intervals are in each lesson.
EarBeater Specific Interval Lessons are specific to a few intervals each. Separate lessons drill melodic and harmonic intervals. The interval is played and displayed on the staff and keyboard. Users select from two options for their answers.
EarBeater Identify Chords Chords are played either as a block chord or arpeggiating descending/ascending. Lessons are subdivided so you only drill one of the above at a time. Variety of qualities Notes are played and then displayed on the keyboard and staff.
EarBeater Indentify Chord Inversion Just like the chord identification, but it quizzes on inverted chords.
EarBeater Identify Scales Includes many different modes, including pentatonic Includes scale “formulas” – showing the intervals in numbers Played and then displayed on the staff and keyboard.
EarBeater Pros: Easy to use Plays the notes and displays them in two ways Very specific lessons Provides definitions Allows you to create your own lessons/assessments Can be used in a variety of ways High customer reviews Cons: I would not use the entirety of the app (much is too hard). Doesn’t use solfegge, my preferred use.
Research L Arnold. (2013, December 22). Ear Training Apps Review: goodEar Pro and EarBeater for iPad [online magazine]. Retrieved from com/articles/ear-training- apps-review-goodear-pro- and-earbeater-for-ipad com/articles/ear-training- apps-review-goodear-pro- and-earbeater-for-ipad Spencer, H.S. (1947). Music Educators Journal. Ear Training in Music Education, 33, (4) le/ le/ Cuesta, J. (2011). Applied Economics letters, Music to my ears: the (many) benefits of music training programmes, 18,