Vanessa’s attempt to learn how to play 3 basic chords on the guitar
The guitar I used to learn 3 Basic Chords. This is the guitar that my Dad gave my daughter, I decided to borrow it and try to teach myself how to play the guitar.
I took a trip to the local public library and came across this video, it was the only video I could find on guitar lessons. The video is for 6 to 10 year olds.
Here I am watching the video and attempting to tune the guitar for my first lesson in guitar playing.
I found these two books at the public library and spent two hours reading through them.
All the chords that are played on the guitar. I hope to learn them all one day. But for this assignment I am starting out with 3 basic chords.
First step in guitar lessons, know which finger is what number so you can follow along with the book or video.
I did go to the You Tube site and watched a few videos, but could not keep up with the video. So I hit the books again…. Here’s one of the links I watched BRpn38L8
The page I used to learn the 3 basic chords A, D, and E Book- Guitar for Dummies Page 41.
Proper vs. Vanessa’s finger placement technique The A chord Vanessa’s finger placement
Proper vs. Vanessa’s Finger placement technique The D Chord Vanessa’s Finger Placement
Proper vs. Vanessa’s finger placement technique The E ChordVanessa’s finger placement
Here I am practicing the E Chord and strumming.
Here I am practicing the D Chord and strumming.
Here I am practicing the A Chord and strumming.
Ways to learn how to play Guitar There are many ways for an individual to learn how to play guitar, it all depends on your particular learning style. Books Videos CD’s Guitar Instructor
The End So what did I learn from this assignment? #1 lesson- I am a hands on learner who really needs a Guitar Instructor to teach me how to play the guitar. #2 lesson-Practice, practice, practice!!! I spent more time jumping from reading and watching videos with hopes of learning when in reality I just need to keep on practicing one chord at a time till I felt I have mastered it then move on to the next chord. Lesson learned