No flares but electricity Jacob KLIMSTRA Wärtsilä Power Plants 150 Gm 3 /year flared 6% of worldwide gas use 1.5% of Total Primary Energy Supply
A reciprocating engine + generator : the solution
Example: High fuel efficiency of a reciprocating engine Electric power (%) Fraction of fuel input (%) flat efficiency Heat fraction Combined efficiency electrical efficiency
The common Otto-cycle gas engine: the challenge of gas quality – Knock resistance: methane number > 60 – Dry, sweet and free of condensates and particles But: we have the Gas-Diesel engine GD Exhaust Intake
The gas – diesel (GD) working principle – Diesel fuel serves as the igniter – Gas is injected simultaneously with the diesel – Knocking can not occur Exh Air IntakeCompression of Air Injection of Gas and Pilot Fuel Ignition Exh Air
GD Gas operation mode Constant fuel amount at % of 100 % load Load % Fuel Share % Gas Liquid
Fuel specs for the GD
Reference: Dygoil Dygoil, Equador – 2 x Wärtsilä ® 16V32GD – 11MWe – The power plant started up in March 2004, and it operates with oil field associated gas as the main fuel, and Crude oil as supplementary fuel – The plant is designed to utilize the associated gas and to minimize the need for flaring, and unnecessary CO 2 emissions are avoided
No power problem if the gas flow varies diesel pilot gas and oil share adjustable Fuel Sharing Fuel oil operation Engine load% Gas share % Diesel share % GD operation Transfer window Fuel Sharing
GD Engines power range Engine TypeWärtsilä 32GDWärtsilä 46GD Cylinder bore, mm Speed, rpm 720 / / 514 Heat Rate (ISO), kJ/kWhe 8,270[43.5%] 8,050 [44.7%] Fuel oil qualitiesDiesel oilDiesel oilHeavy fuel oilCrude oil Gas qualitiesNatural gasNatural gasAssociated gas Cylinder configurations - V-form12, 16, 1812, 16, 18 Generator power, kWe 4,320 – 6,500 11,300 – 17,000
Gas LHV = 30 MJ/Nm3, dicharge pressure = 350 bar(a) V32GD 16V32GD 12V32GD Compression power 350 bar kW 4.6% of power bar 43.5 * = 41.5 %
Other possibilities at the horizon GASPAC® any gasmethane inverse reformer
For YOU to remember: Flaring can be reduced and the gas can be used with high: 1.Fuel flexibility 2.Power flexibility 3.Fuel-to-power efficiency Wärtsilä can help you