By Tasfia Ahsan
Blackberry Playbook 1.Price 16 GB for only $ GB for only $ GB for only $ Wi-Fi 3.Dual HD Cameras 4.Light-weight Design 5.7” LCD Touchscreen Display 6.1 GB Ram (and 3 memory options) 7.1 GHZ Dual-Core Processor 8.Long Battery Life iPad 2 1.Price 16 GB for only $ GB for only $ GB for only $ Wi-Fi 3.2 Cameras for Facetime, HD Video Recordings, Picture Taking 4.Light-weight Design 5.9.7” LED Touchscreen Display 6.Dual-core A5: makes everything fluid 7.10-hour Battery Life Technology Specs
1.The Size 2.Browser: Can do Facebook Chat unlike iPad, YouTube, s 3.Connects to Wi-Fi 4.Smooth motion to move from screen to screen/ multitask 5.Can watch movies 6.Easier to download apps: always connected to the App Store. 7.Easy to check battery life 8.Camera/ Video Camera 9.Has copy and paste 10.Has Video Games 11.Has a PowerPoint for presentations 12.Has a Calendar Information: Blackberry Playbook Pros
1.Not too many apps 2.Can have a few connection issues 3.Text features: No automatic capitalization on a sentence 4.The keyboard: spacing between letters 5.Occasionally cannot click links from s or select text Information: Blackberry Playbook Cons
1.Battery Life: 10 hours 2.Speaker and Microphone 3.Amazing App Store 4.Like iPod 5.User-friendly: read newspaper, eBooks, magazines 6.Wi-Fi 7.Unlike a laptop, the iPad does not put a screen between the student and the teacher 8.Single tasking creates focus Information: iPad Pros
1.Camera and flash not supported 2.GPS is not supported fully 3. No flash videos 4. Not compatible with USBs / SD Cards 5.No Multitasking 6.No full size keyboard Information: iPad Cons
I chose the Blackberry Playbook because: It’s cheaper It can do Facebook Chat unlike iPad, also can do YouTube and s Can watch movies Video Games Copy Paste: Easier, you don’t have to write out something multiple times Can do easy presentations Final Decision: Blackberry Playbook
1."Pros and Cons of the new Playbook - BlackBerry Forums Support Community." - BlackBerry Support Community Forums. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan pros-cons-new-playbook.html. pros-cons-new-playbook.html 2.“15 Pros and Cons of iPad." CallingAllGeeks — Gadgets- iPhone- Macbook-Apple-Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan before-you-buy/. before-you-buy/ Bibliographies
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